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Site work for a transportation facility in Reno, Nevada. Conceptual plans call for site work for a transportation facility.

The RTAA is soliciting sealed SOQs from qualified Respondents to provide design services for the RNO General Aviation East Apron & Taxilane Reconstruction project. The existing asphaltic concrete (AC) apron and taxilanes have deteriorated and are at the end of their useful lives. The design work consists of reconstruction of existing asphalt pavement, excavation, stabilizing fill, base material, potential utility relocation, apron and parking lot pavements, drainage, and markings (Services). The RTAA reserves the right to not award an Agreement for any work herein; issuance of this RFQ solicitation does not guarantee any subsequent award. Furthermore, the RTAA reserves the right to hire any additional consultants as needed at its discretion. Question Deadline 10/27/2023 at 5:00 PM PT All official clarifications or interpretations of the RFQ documents will be by written addenda issued by the RTAA's Contracts & Procurement Department. Verbal clarifications given during the RFQ process will be considered unofficial. The RTAA shall not be held responsible for oral interpretations. Only written responses to written questions will be considered official and will be included as part of the RFQ as an addendum. 11/3/2023 08:00:00 PM (ET) RTAA Written Responses to Questions. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Transportation Terminals


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November 15, 2024


2001 E Plumb Ln, Reno, NV

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