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Published October 18, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Alexandria, Kentucky. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

AJ Jolly Lake is a 200-acre fishing and recreational lake within Campbell County, Kentucky's 1,000-acre flagship Park. Campbell County Fiscal Court is seeking a professional team that can conduct a hydrographic study and/or an engineering study to identify and recommend lake restoration measures that will serve to return AJ Jolly Lake to optimum depth, water quality and recreational opportunities on the lake for years to come. The letter of interest shall be limited to ten pages and shall include identification of the team, proposed staffing, work plan, availability to deliver the plan, and at least two references for similar projects. Appropriate teams will then be selected for in- person interviews in order to engage in negotiation to define the scope of work and project timeline. Interested parties are welcome to schedule an on-site visit with the Assistant County Administrator to view the lake and park grounds. Consultant(s) will be responsible for the following tasks. Please indicate in the letter of interest which tasks your team is interested in performing: Review existing documents (including a water and sediment study performed on portions of the lake in March of 2023) and conduct a hydrographic and/or engineering study that results in a comprehensive report that characterizes the lake's current conditions, identifies problems, impairments and threats to the lake's ongoing use, identifies potential causes of existing impairments and determines if AJ Jolly Lake needs restoration or management measures at this time. If restoration is needed, consultant(s) to recommend appropriate depth restoration for long term sustainability and best method(s) to utilize while considering cost and environmental impact, volume of sediment to be removed and best method(s) for removal and recommendation for best use of sediment based on an analysis of the sediment composition. Cost estimate for management and/or restoration measures that are recommended. Ongoing Lake Management Plan for AJ Jolly Lake so that after any recommended restoration efforts are complete, AJ Jolly Lake will be maintained as a primary contact recreational lake well into the future. The Lake Management Plan should include recommendations to prevent future sedimentation, recommendations to improve overall water quality and fish habitat and recommendations for shoreline improvement and erosion prevention.


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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November 4, 2024


1501 Race Track Rd, Alexandria, KY

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