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Published December 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Smyrna, Georgia. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Turf Field Conversion - River Line & Jonquil Park RIVER LINE PARK ADDRESS: 6043 OAKDALE RD SE, MABLETON GA 30126 JONQUIL PARK - TURF FIELD CONVERSION ADDRESS: 3000 PARK RD, SMYRNA, GA 30080 The City of Smyrna is soliciting proposals from qualified firms/contractors to convert one of the existing athletic fields to artificial turf at both River Line Park and Jonquil Park. Question Deadline 11/07/2023 at 12:00 PM ET After the RFP is issued, no contact will be permitted between bidders and any other City staff members or elected officials, except through the Purchasing Manager. The Purchasing office phone number is (678) 631-5406. The City of Smyrna reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals and award in the best interest of the City. As described in the specifications attached, all submissions for City of Smyrna River Line and Jonquil Park - Turf Field Conversion (RFP 24-015) must comply with all general and special instructions. The City of Smyrna reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids and award in the best interest of the City. The City of Smyrna, Georgia is soliciting proposals from qualified firms/contractors to convert one of the existing athletic fields to artificial turf at both River Line Park and Jonquil Park. The civil plans for the project have been reviewed and approved by the City. The City has designated the northern field at River Line Park (6043 Oakdale Road SE, Mableton, GA 30126) to be converted to artificial turf. The designated area is 118,790 sq. ft. (+/- 2.73 AC). This portion of the project would include removal of the existing fence and impacted irrigation, grading, drainage, erosion control, conversion of field lighting to LED fixtures, installation of artificial turf and underdrain system, and installation of new fence and netting systems. The City has designated the northern field at Jonquil Park (3000 Park Rd, Smyrna, GA 30080) to be converted to artificial turf. The designated area is 83,763 sq. ft. (+/-1.9 AC). This portion of the project would include removal of the existing fence and impacted irrigation, grading, drainage, sanitary sewer realignment, erosion control, conversion of field lighting to LED fixtures to include relocation of two poles, installation of artificial turf and underdrain system, and installation of new fence and netting systems. o Artificial Turf and Installation o Selected turf product to be submitted to the City for approval. Minimum requirements are +/-52 oz monofilament with thatch layer. Contractor to make recommendations to the City based on maintenance requirements and anticipated use. o Underdrain and gravel section to be approved by City Engineer o 6' black vinyl perimeter fence with 10' netting system (gated as shown for field security and maintenance) o Grading, storm drainage, erosion control o Sanitary sewer removal and replacement o Lighting Conversion to LED and 2 pole relocations (Jonquil) o Sod back to concrete turf edge and restore irrigation to undisturbed areas o General Conditions The winning contractor shall be responsible for all site preparation and clean up, and all necessary permitting. Time is of the essence for this project and construction should be completed during the youth soccer off-season November - February. The anticipated project schedule is for site preparation to commence upon notification of award and execution of Contract. Target completion date for the project is February 29, 2024


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work





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Multiple Locations, Smyrna, GA

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