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Published February 9, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Iqaluit, Nunavut. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

As and When Generator Inspections and Maintenance, South Baffin, Nunavut 1.1. Work under this Contract includes but is not necessarily limited to the scheduled Annual and Weekly Preventive Maintenance (PM) Inspections, As and When required Generator maintenance, adjustments, repairs, refurbishment or replacement; such as Replacing filters, batteries, other genset components. Keep record of all checks and runs Replacement of gauges Replacement of belts Ensure connections are secure Other genset maintenance duties as required 1.2. As & When required maintenance or services to be performed as a result of deficiencies will be requested and scheduled by the FM or designate. Verbal instruction and/or Service Requests will be issued to direct the Contractor to proceed with the work, and shall be subject to the hourly rate provided in the unit pricing table or an apprentice rate where applicable. 1.3. The FM, at their discretion and as required, may require the Contractor to complete new installations or replacements. 1.4. The Contractor shall be responsible to determine for themselves the type and condition of systems or units to be inspected and or maintained under this Contract. The FM, at their discretion and as required, may require the Contractor to complete new installations or replacement of systems. No site visit will be organized or permitted within 3 days before the Bid submission deadline. Question Deadline 10/25/2023 Questions regarding this RFT should be in writing and received by the Buyer at least 5 working days before the Bid submission deadline (closing date and time). A response to any question received after this cut-off deadline cannot be guaranteed. Bid Security is not required with Tenders under $250,000.00. However, if a Bid in excess of $250,000 is acceptable, the successful Bidder may be required to furnish contract security in a form and amount prescribed by the Owner as a condition of contract award. The deadline for completion of all work under this contract is on or before: March 31, 2027 If the successful bidder has defaulted on a previous contract, but has not been deemed Not Responsible, the Owner may require contract security as a condition of contract award.




Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Iqaluit, NU

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