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Published October 18, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a military facility in Hastings, Nebraska. Conceptual plans call for the construction of a military facility; and for site work for a military facility.

The Military Department, State of Nebraska, is soliciting professional architectural/engineering comprehensive design services to design a new Enlisted Open-Bay Barracks at the Greenlief Training Site, 6700 East J Street, Hastings, Nebraska 68901. The total approved scope of this project is 29,045 square feet of new construction and support structures with a cost range of approximately $10 million. The work shall consist of design-related communication, research and progress submissions to include Concept, Preliminary, Final and Bid Final drawings and technical documents (Type A and B Services). Construction observation services to execute the design are expected to be awarded subsequent to this contract (Type C Services). A third-party commissioning agent will be hired separately to participate with the team through design and construction. This facility will be designed to meet Industry Standards as well as all local, State, and Federal building codes and as per 42 U.S. Code 4154. Construction will include all utility services, information systems, fire detection and alarm systems, walks, curbs, gutters, storm drainage, parking areas, and site improvements. Facilities will be designed to a minimum life of 50 years in accordance with DoDs Unified Facilities Code (UFC 1-200-02) including energy efficiencies, building envelope and integrated building systems performance as per ASA(IE&E) Sustainable Design and Development Policy updated 2017. Access for individuals with disabilities will be provided. Antiterrorism measures in accordance with the DoD Minimum Antiterrorism for building standards will be provided. Evaluation criteria shall include: (1) Ability of professional personnel proposed to be assigned to the project; (2) Past performance on projects with the Military Department or other agencies (3) Willingness and stated ability to meet time and budget requirements (4) Geographic location of the firm s offices (5) Recent, current, and projected workload of the firm; (6) Volume of work previously awarded the firm by the Military Department or other state agencies; (7) Familiarization with current infrastructure and development at Nebraska Army National Guard; (8) Specialized experience and technical competency to include proof of anti-terrorism force protection design (AT/FP), demonstrated history of meeting National Guard Bureau standards for sustainability requirements, and military construction (MILCON) design knowledge; (9) Willingness and stated ability to design within the stated scope of work. Interested firms which meet the requirements described in this announcement are invited to submit four (4) copies of their completed Standard Form (SF) 330. Questions concerning the project should be directed to Mr. James Rasmussen, Business Manager, at (402) 309-8457 james.t.rasmussen3.civ.mil@army.mil or MAJ Justin Portenier, Design and Project Management, at (402) 309-8458 justin.r.portenier.mil@army.mil. Respondents are welcome to supplement the proposal with photographs or written materials that best demonstrate the firm s capabilities pertinent to this project.




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New Construction, Site Work

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November 18, 2024


6700 E J St, Hastings, NE

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