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Published December 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a municipal facility in Wichita, Kansas. Completed plans call for site work for a municipal facility.

Install approximately 620LF of 6' tall ornamental black wrought iron fence and associated gates as shown on site plan, Exhibit A. Includes the installation of: o 1 each - 18' automated cantilever gate on the East o 1 each - 14' automated swing gate on the South o 1 each - 14' manual swing gate on the North o 2 each - 4' walk-thru gates; one North and one South Operator pads, electrical service, data and access controls are by others, coordinated by Sedgwick County. Fence contractor shall be responsible for: o all material, labor and supervision for the fence installation o all public utility locates o obtaining the proper permits for the fence o waste generated during fence installation Sedgwick County, located in south-central Kansas, is one of the most populous of Kansas' 105 counties with a population estimated at more than 514,000 persons. It is the sixteenth largest in area, with 1,008 square miles, and reportedly has the second highest per capita wealth among Kansas' counties. Organizationally, the county is a Commission/Manager entity, employs nearly 2,800 persons, and hosts or provides a full range of municipal services, e.g. - public safety, public works, criminal justice, recreation, entertainment, cultural, human/social, and education. Sedgwick County is seeking bids for Fencing for Public Safety Building, located at 714 N. Main, Wichita, KS. 67203 in accordance with the specifications outlined, for Sedgwick County Project Services Any questions regarding this document must be submitted via email to Lee Barrier at Lee.Barrier@sedgwick.gov by 5:00 pm CDT, October 27, 2023. Any questions of a substantive nature will be answered in written form as an addendum and posted on the purchasing website at electronically under the Documents column associated with this bid number by 5:00 pm CDT, November 1, 2023. Firms are responsible for checking the website and acknowledging any addenda on their bid response form. Board of Bids and Contracts Recommendation November 9, 2023 Board of County Commission Award November 15, 2023. **Bid date Notes Should you elect to participate with a physical response, the response must be sealed and marked on the lower left-hand corner with the firm name and address, bid number, and bid due date. Submit one (1) original AND one (1) electronic copy (PDF/Word supplied on a flash drive) of the entire document with any supplementary materials to: Lee Barrier Sedgwick County Purchasing Department 100 N. Broadway, Suite 610 Wichita, KS 67202 County reserves the right to make inspections at various points of the project. Contractor agrees to openly participate in said inspections and provide information to the county on the progress, expected completion date and any unforeseen or unexpected complications in the project.




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Site Work

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714 N Main, Wichita, KS

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