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Published December 29, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a water / sewer project in Ware, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

Water Pollution Control Plant Influent Screening Improvement Project. Estimated Cost $1,500,000. The work consists of replacing an existing influent comminutor with a new Headworks Screenings Removal System consisting of a mechanical screen, screenings sluice, washer compactor, and all necessary controls systems and appurtenances for a complete system to be installed within the existing influent channel. The project includes a new structural operating platform to support the Screenings Removal System, enclosure of the space with architectural panels, and associated HVAC and electrical upgrades to support the project. Electrical, HVAC, Miscellaneous & Ornamental Iron, & Metal Windows All questions about the meaning or intent of the Bidding Documents shall be submitted in writing to the Engineer via the Tighe & Bond website Question Deadline 11/26/2023 The Work includes the following major items: a. Demolition of existing influent comminutor b. New Headworks Screenings Removal System consisting of a mechanical screen, screenings sluice, washer compactor, and all necessary controls systems and appurtenances for a complete system to be installed within the existing influent channel c. Structural modifications to the influent channel d. New Structural Operating Platform to support the new Headworks Screenings Removal System e. Replacement of existing isolation gate between the two wet wells and emergency bypass sluice gate. f. Enclosure of the Headworks Room structure at ground level with architectural panels. g. HVAC and electrical upgrades The work consists of improvements to the Headworks of the Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) to address ongoing ragging issues that occur within the mechanical equipment throughout the WPCP. The following is a summary of the major work items, organized by subtrade: i. Mechanical/Process 1. Replacement of the existing comminutor with a mechanical cleaned fine scree and washer compactor for removal of screenings and transport to grade for disposal. 2. Upgrade of ancillary systems needed for the operation of the fine screen and washer compactor 3. Replacement of gates used to direct flow around the influent channels and wetwells. ii. Structural/Architectural 1. Construction of a mid-height operating platform within the Headworks Area to support the new process equipment. 2. Enclosure of the above ground Headworks Area to protect mechanical equipment from weather conditions. 3. Structural repairs to the existing concrete channels and wetwells, as needed. iii. HVAC 1. Replacement of existing Exhaust Fan for the Headworks Room 2. Installation of Heating and Ventilation systems to condition the new enclosed space. 3. Gas Detection and Warning Systems iv. Electrical 1. Installation of electrical systems to facilitate the new mechanical and HVAC equipment. 2. Replacement of light fixtures within the Headworks Area.


Water / Sewer


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30 Robbins Rd, Ware, MA

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