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Published October 20, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Kahului, Hawaii. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Contractor to furnish all labor, tools, and any other required supplies, materials and equipment necessary to install a furnished Greywater Reuse System (WRS). Contractor shall also build, per Construction Plan specifications, restroom expansions with slabs to house the WRS with all necessary greywater plumbing, pumps, shower stations and pads with permeable pavers and water collection basins, electrical work, and trenching for an above-surface spray irrigation system. This work as indicated in the approved site plan for the Department of Water Supply (DWS), which include the following: 1. Mobilization including security off hours and temporary restrooms as needed 2. Public temporary bathrooms for any public restroom closed for construction work 3. Civil Earthwork 4. Concrete and concrete masonry work 5. Laying permeable paver system at showers and hose bibbs 6. Sidewalks and sidewalk repairs as needed 7. Specialty metals work 8. Framing and sheathing 9. Roofing, gutters and gutter covers 10. Doors and windows installation 11. Vehicle entryway and hardware installation 12. Specialized water treatment equipment installation 13. Specialized processing tanks installation 14. Roofing and gutters 15. SMART irrigation system installation 16. Electrical work 17. Mechanical work 18. Plumbing work 19. Interior and exterior preparation and painting 20. Photovoltaic (PV) system with battery storage installation 21. Demobilization DWS shall supply the approved Construction Design Drawings and Specifications, including materials and supplies for a complete, fully mechanical, ANSI/NSF 350(c) certified WRS or an R-1, recycled water use type, WRS. Please see Proposal Schedule and Section 2.2, Material and Supplies, of PART 2 - SYSTEM DETAILS for more details. The Notice to Proceed (NTP) shall only be issued within ninety (90) days upon a fully executed contract with a chosen contractor, for submitting expenses for project related supplies and materials. Physical construction shall not occur or begin until the necessary construction plan permits are approved. Bids must be accompanied by an acceptable form of bid security in a mount not less than five percent (5%) of the amount of the base bid, including additives, payable to the "County of Maui", and in compliance with Section 103D-323, Hawaii Revised Statutes, as amended. Bidders are required to comply with the newest procurement code Hawaii Revised Statutes Chapter 103D, any rules and regulations and policy directives issued with respect to Chapter 103D, and any amendments thereof. SCOTT TERUYA, Director Department of Finance County of Maui


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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To Be Determined, Kahului, HI

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