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Published November 7, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Wichita, Kansas. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Hess Reservoir Site Valve Replacement Phases 1 & 2 Approximate award date 11/07/2023 12:00 PM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) A Bid Bond in the Amount of Five Percent (5%) Of the Total Bid or an Annual Bid Bond is Required Prior to Bid Opening. Completion Date. The work on this project shall be completed no later than March 15, 2024. Working days from date of beginning work and in accordance with the plans and Standard Specifications. Bidders are advised to contact the office of the city engineer (316-268-4501) should they have any questions or concerns about the plans, Special or supplemental provisions, minority status, or the proper Preparation of the bid document. Questions shall be submitted in writing a minimum of 3 days in advance of the bid date. Questions received within 3 days of the bid date may not be answered. Any questions prior to bid submittal should be directed to Trevor Kaufman, PEC (316) 206-1316 or trevor.kaufman@PEC1.com and copy to Dakota Weaver, Water Treatment Project Engineer, at (316) 268-4353 or dweaver@wichita.gov Members of the community will judge the quality of City services on projects by the work process employed by independent contractors as well as the completed construction. Therefore, effective coordination with citizens affected by projects and with the assigned City staff is an integral part ofsuccessful project delivery. The list below describes common process standards that are encountered on every project and which will be evaluated for compliance: 1. Communication Contractor will provide an after-hours phone number that it actively monitors. The Contractor shall respond to the City staff member placing the call within 2 hours of a message sent to the Contractor. Failure to meet this requirement shall result in written Performance Failure. In addition, Contractor will provide an email address that it actively monitors during office hours. The Contractor shall respond to the City staff member sending the email message within 24 hours of a message sent to the Contractor. Failure to meet this requirement shall result in written Performance Failure. 2. Traffic Control Contractor and City shall agree on necessary traffic control plan(s), and set out the agreed plans in writing. Contractor shall not deviate from agreed upon plan(s) regarding configuration or schedule without prior written approval from the City. Any unauthorized deviation by Contractor shall result in written Performance Failure. 3. Restoration and Clean Up When notified by City of necessary restoration or clean up measures resulting from project, Contractor and City shall agree on necessary steps and schedule. Contractor shall not deviate from agreed upon steps or schedule, unless previously agreed upon in writing by City. Any unauthorized deviation by Contractor shall result in written Performance Failure. When notified by City of necessary pavement cut paving resulting from project, Contractor and City shall agree on necessary steps and schedule. The Contractor's deviation from agreed upon steps or schedule, unless previously agreed upon by City in writing, shall result in written Performance Failure. 4. Overall Project Schedule Contractor and City shall agree on project schedule. Contractor shall not deviate from the agreed upon schedule without prior written approval from the City. Any unauthorized deviation by Contractor shall result in written Performance Failure. Depending on nature of schedule delay, the City may also levy liquidated damages. 5. Complaints City staff will document complaints that relate to the project process or performance received from members of the public or from City officials and provide the information received to Contractor for comment. Depending on the number and type of such complaints and Contractor's responses to them, the City, at its sole discretion, may issue a written Performance Failure. Any documented complaint that rises to the level of abusive or improper behavior towards public or property owners shall result in written Performance Failure. 6. Performance Failures Performance Failures issued to Contractor shall be in writing and shall remain in Contractor's file for three years. Past and current Performance Failures shall be used as part of the contract bid award process. The number and type of Performance Failures may disqualify a Contractor from bid award.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

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To Be Determined, Wichita, KS

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