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Published October 21, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Toronto, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number 0000258177 The TTC will award a Master Order Purchase Order(s) (Master Order hereinafter known as Supplier Blanket based on a total upset limit amount consisting of a list of one or more parts that the Company has agreed to supply at the prices indicated in the Supplier Blanket over the Contract period based on the estimated quantities. Thereafter, the TTC will issue Supplier Blanket Release Orders (Releases), on an as required basis, for parts listed on the Supplier Blanket based on various quantities required at that time and the Company shall deliver the parts in accordance with the delivery lead-times specified in the Supplier Blanket to various TTC locations, which may include the following: Hillcrest location at 1138 Bathurst Street, Toronto, M5R 3H2 Greenwood location at 400 Greenwood Avenue, Toronto, M4J 4Y5 Wilson location at 570 Transit Road, Toronto, M5M 2Z2 Lakeshore location at 580 Commissioners Street, Toronto, M4M 1A7; and the following addresses: 700 Arrow Rd. Toronto, Ontario, M9M 2M1 424 Danforth Rd. Toronto, Ontario, M1L 3X6 29 Lascelles Blvd. Toronto, Ontario, M5P 1K5 38 Comstock Road Toronto, Ontario, M1L 2G6 5050 Sheppard Ave E. Toronto, Ontario, M1S 4L9 21 Keele St. Toronto, Ontario, M6P 4C1 9 Raitherm Road Toronto, Ontario, M6B 3X9 1627 Danforth Ave. Toronto, Ontario, M4C 1H6 40 Carl Hall Road Downsview Park, Toronto, Ontario M3K 2C1 1720 Ellesmere Rd. Toronto, Ontario, M1H 2P9 121 Industry St. Toronto, Ontario, M6M 5B6 391 Alliance Ave. Toronto, Ontario, M6N 2J1 400 Evans Ave. Toronto, Ontario, M8Z 1K6 20 The Queensway, Toronto, Ontario M6R 1B4 1433 Queen St. E. Toronto, Ontario, M4L 1C7 34 Asquith Ave. Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3W7 1035 Sheppard Ave. W. Toronto, Ontario, M3H 2T7 160 Transit Rd. North York, Ontario M3H 6C3 2233 Sheppard Ave W., Toronto, Ontario M9M 2Z7 The Contract period may be extended for a period of up to twelve (12) months. To extend the Contract, prior to the expiration of the Contract, the TTC shall provide to the Company a notice to extend the Contract period. Within seven (7) days of the date of the notice, the Company shall provide to the TTC pricing for the Contract extended period. Upon receipt of the pricing, the TTC may, at its sole discretion, extend the Contract period. Official bid documents must be obtained from www.merx.com and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Toronto, ON

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