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Published November 1, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Introduction. Minneapolis Public Housing Authority (MPHA) is a public entity that was formed in 1991 to provide federally subsidized housing and housing assistance to low-income families in Minneapolis, MN. MPHA is led by an Executive Director and is governed by a nine-person board of commissioners and is subject to the requirements of Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations and MPHA's Procurement Policy. Scope of Work. The MPHA is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide Surveying Services, Geotechnical Surveying Services, and Environmental Due Diligence Services. Surveying Services. The Surveying firm shall provide land surveying services in accordance with industry accepted standards and practices as well as the requirements of the local governing jurisdiction. Survey work efforts may be for obtaining information for site development plans, boundary surveys for land acquisition, environmental assessments, and capital project construction sites. Surveying services may include but are not limited to horizontal and vertical site control analysis, topographic surveys, location and as-built surveys, record plat and easement plat preparation, construction layout and cut sheet preparation, right-of-way acquisition, construction surveying, plan and profile surveys, provide legal boundary surveys, ALTA surveys, provide construction staking, and other miscellaneous surveying services as required by the MPHA. Geotechnical Surveying Services. The Geotechnical Surveying firm shall provide services that include but are not limited to soil sampling, testing and analysis that will be necessary to determine the suitability of a site for proposed construction. The firm shall also provide geotechnical reports that may include but are not limited to subsurface conditions, soil suitability, recommendations for foundation types, site recommendations, bearing pressures, lateral earth pressures, provide construction considerations, and reports as required by the MPHA. Environmental Due Diligence Services. The Environmental Due Diligence Services firm shall provide environmental site assessments (following the ASTM Standards for Phase 1 and Phase 2 assessments); lead-based paint consulting services, asbestos & hazardous materials consulting, radon and soil vapor testing & mitigation system design; brownfield investigation and redevelopment programs; and indoor air quality assessments. The deadline to submit questions is October 13, 2023 at 3:00 PM CST. Question Deadline and Contact with MPHA. The proposer must address all communication and correspondence, including questions regarding this RFP process, to the Buyer only, who will respond to all such inquiries in writing by addendum to all prospective proposers (i.e. firms that have obtained the RFP documents). During the RFP process the Buyer will not conduct any substantive conversations that may give one prospective proposer an advantage over other prospective proposers. More than One Award Possible. MPHA reserves the right to award to one or more firms. Start Date 11/06/2023 End Date 11/05/2024



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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November 6, 2023


Multiple Locations, Minneapolis, MN

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