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Renovation of a fire / police facility in Louisville, Kentucky. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fire station.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION OKOLONA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT RENOVATIONS STATION #1 and STATION #3 Okolona Fire Protection District (OFPD) has contracted with Keyes Architects & Associates, PLLC for design services for renovations for their Station #1 facility located at 8501 Preston Highway, Louisville, KY and Station #3 facility located at 1714 Rangeland Road, Louisville, KY. In addition, OFPD has contracted with Layne Contracting, LLC for construction management services. The OFPD is seeking subcontractors for all phases of work per bid packages for each fire station listed below. Layne Contracting Point of Contact: (502) 381-1291 Ron Roederer, Construction Manager - Keyes Architects Points of Contact: (502) 636-5113 Karen Potts, Senior Project Manager - Kelly Cooper, Project Coordinator - Bid packages for each station containing the project description, bid form, drawings and specifications will be available for nonrefundable purchase from Zen Reprographics - 502-587-1951 648 South 8th Street, Louisville, KY / Plans will also be available for viewing at Keyes Architects & Associates 4717 Preston Highway, Louisville, KY 40213 and in plan rooms. Please note that all printing and shipping costs are the responsibility of the subcontractors. All bidders are required to purchase at least one complete set of bid documents. A pre-bid meeting will be held onsite at each station as follows: October 30th - Station #1 8501 Preston Highway at 2:00pm. Immediately following at Station #3 at approximately 3:30pm. Bidders should meet at the rear bay at each station. Sealed Bids are due November 9th by 4:00pm at Station #1 - 8501 Preston Highway where they will be opened and read aloud at the OFPD Board of Trustees meeting. Each bid package will then be reviewed and tabulated. You will need to park at the rear of the fire station and enter at the front business door. Signs will be posted if you plan to attend the meeting. DO NOT BLOCK ANY FRONT ENTRANCE BAY DOORS! Bids may be submitted via email at the secured following email address with the subject line of Trade Package Description and Station #1 and/or Station #3: ***Please note that if bids are submitted via email, they are required to be submitted on the bid form included in the bid package*** If Submitting to 8501 Preston Highway, bids must be sealed and marked submitted in triplicate on the bid form provided in the bid package per each fire station per bid package as follows: Sealed Bid - Okolona Station #1 OR Okolona Station #3 Trade Subcontractor and Bid Package Description 2 Subcontractors may bid on multiple packages as listed; however, each package will be reviewed independently. Bid Packages are to include but not limited to: Demolition - Finishes, Walls and Cabinetry (Station #1 and Station #3) Concrete Work - Concrete Patio & Canopy Alternate #1 (Station #3) Concrete Patching - (Station #1 and Station #3) Carpentry - Framing, rough and finish carpentry, doors, hardware and miscellaneous blocking (Station #1 and Station #3) Masonry - New Opening and Infill (Station #1) Kitchen Hood & Equipment - Relocating and Install (Station #1) Kitchen Equipment - Relocate and Install (Station #3) Electrical - Demolition, Alteration, Equipment hook-up and Lighting (Station #1 and Station #3) HVAC - Demolition, Alteration, New Systems and Ventilation (Station #1 and Station #3) Plumbing - Demolition, Grease Traps and Supports, Alterations and New Systems (Station #1 and Station #3) Flooring - Floor Prep, Finishes, Transitions and Base (Station #1 and Station #3) Ceramic Tile - Surface Prep, Finishes and Transitions (Station #1) Drywall & Metal Framing Insulation (Station #1 and Station #3) Paint - Surface Prep, Caulking and Finishes (Station #1 and Station #3) Millwork - Cabinets, Tops and Trim (Station #1 and Station #3) Acoustical Ceiling Tile - Grid, Tiles, Wall Angle and Tie Wires (Station #1 and Station #3) Bids shall include state and local sales taxes. It will be decided before contract selection if the Okolona Fire Protection District chooses to proceed with a "tax exempt" status on materials. If the "tax exempt" status is chosen, the subcontractors will submit an estimated labor and materials breakout. Note that the bids will remain the same and only taxes saved will be deducted. These items will be handled as change orders. The successful bidders must follow State and Federal requirements on workmen's compensation and labor laws. The successful bidders must follow Federal and State OSHA requirements. Okolona Fire Protection District reserves the right to reject any and all bids and/or to accept that bid determined to be in the best interest of Okolona Fire Protection District. The project scope includes select demolition and renovation to approximately 8,100 sq.ft. of the existing dining rooms within Wilson Lodge at Oglebay Resort.


Fire / Police


Public - City






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November 9, 2023

December 11, 2023


Multiple Locations, Louisville, KY

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