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Published October 24, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Lumber City, Georgia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The city of Lumber City is seeking proposals from qualified firms and consultants to assist and provide services to the City, in order to develop an inventory and be in compliance with the LCRR for its water system by October 2024. Description and Nature of Project City of Lumber City has been awarded a grant from the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) to implement the requirements of the U.S. EPA's Lead & Copper Rule. The City is seeking a consultant to provide compliance and implementation services to assist in this effort. The successful candidate will assist the City in the development of a Service Line Inventory (SLI) with field investigations, Service Line Replacement Plan (SLRP), and filter pitcher, tap sampling, and educational outreach programs to comply with the updated law. Scope of Work The City of Lumber City is soliciting a firm to work closely with the City's Engineer and assist in providing implementation services related to the EPA's Lead and Copper. The city has a population of 1,021 and approximately 386 water services. The requirements of the City and the Lead and Copper Rule Revision are: o Service Line Material Inventory and submission to EPD o Service Line Verification o Service Line Replacement Plan, including development of EPA required Standard Operating Procedures o Tap Sampling Plan Update o Additional Tap Sampling Program o Point of Use Device Program o Public Outreach, Education and Notification Program In addition to these requirements, the successful candidate will provide the following: o Staff training o Public presentation of inventory results o Web-based map and informational dashboard that can be made available to the public through the City's website All inventory and replacement plan data shall become the property of the City of Lumber City at the completion of the project. If software is used to complete the inventory by the contractor, please include that as a lump sum line item under data management. This contract is not for an annual continuous contract but the completion of the initial inventory project. Project Timeline The Service Line Inventory must be completed and submitted to the Georgia Environmental Protection Division no later than October 16, 2024. The Service Line Replacement Plan and other compliance components will be due by the date prescribed by the U.S. EPA in the Lead and Copper Rule Improvements, expected in late 2023. Interested companies are required to submit their sealed bids containing the following information: 1. Company Introduction: Briefly introduce your company, its history, and relevant experience in providing similar compliance assistance services. 2. Technical Approach: Describe your approach to completing the Lead Service Line Inventory (LSLI), including field investigation services, and Service Line Replacement Plan (SLRP) within the specified timeframe. 3. Experience and Qualifications: Highlight your team's expertise and qualifications in working on projects related to drinking water compliance and lead/copper mitigation. 4. Implementation Plan: Provide a detailed plan outlining how you will meet the requirements of the LCRR, including tap sampling, public education, customer notification, and point-of-use device distribution. 5. Project Timeline: Present a comprehensive timeline with clear milestones and deliverables for the entire project duration. 6. Price Proposal and Project Budget: Submit a detailed price proposal and budget breakdown for the entire project, including all associated costs and fees. Provide a per-service cost for field investigations. Please include a final overall price at the bottom assuming number of services are accurate in beginning of RFP. This price must include all field investigations and sub contracted work needed to complete this job for the municipality. 7. References: Provide at least three references from past clients or projects related to water quality compliance. 8. All companies must assist the engineer and city to finish any and all Exhibit C documentation needed from GEFA. They also must abide by all GEFA/State bidding law rules and regulations. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE), including Minority and Women Owned Businesses (MBE and WBE), are encouraged to submit a proposal. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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June 1, 2024


Multiple Locations, Lumber City, GA

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