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Published October 26, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Grand Haven, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility; and water / sewer project.

GHAPS has the right to refuse any or all bids. Emailed bids will not be accepted. Once bids have been approved by the GHAPS Board of Education a purchase order will be issued. The contractor shall confirm the material, parts, tools, and equipment needed to complete the jobs via site visit, the list of materials above is for reference only and is not a complete list. The project can be viewed by appointment before November 2nd, 2023 by calling Jason MacKay at 616-850-5185 or via email at mackayj@ghaps.org. Grand Haven Area Public Schools (GHAPS) is soliciting bids for projects in our Aquatic Center at Grand Haven High School, located at 17001 Ferris St, Grand Haven, MI 49417 Project 1-Replacement and repair of existing piping and valves associated with the main pool will include the supply and installation of eight (8) 1000-7333 valve BF Dominion BS 10 Bare STE and two (2) 1000-7985 valve diversion in-line 10 PVC w/2 VERTFLT. Also included shall be stainless steel nuts, bolts, washers, UniStrut, Unitstrut foot assemblies, and 10" pipe hangers. Repair and replacement of piping between pump and basket that is leaking due to a cracked flange, sagging pipe, and fittings. Replace existing strainer basket bases with supports suitable for the purpose. After the replacement of the valves in the surge tank the tank will be cleaned and left free of debris. Once the project is completed the system shall be tested and put back into service. Project 2-Removal and replacement of sand and gravel in four (4) 4500 lb capacity tanks, two of which are elevated and will require a vac truck for media removal. (72-50 lb bags of sand and 19-50 lb bags of gravel per tank) Removal of existing sand and gravel media, disposal by contractor.




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Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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17001 Ferris St, Grand Haven, MI

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