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Published October 26, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Jonesville, Louisiana. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

This is a Request for Proposals for the COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE. Qualified firms must submit a proposal for Service Alternate 1. Consideration should be given to Service Alternate 2 as to address the needs of the Town. For purposes of evaluating the proposals that are received for the various service alternates and additive alternates, the Town of Jonesville (Town) reserves the right to consider the direct and indirect costs and benefits to the Town for each alternate, including, but not limited to, the quality of service to be provided to the citizens of Jonesville, and to award the contract to the low responsible Proposer for the service alternate selected by the Town. Firms who desire to submit a proposal for the Towns consideration for the services described herein are invited to request a Bid Meeting to be held in the Town Hall meeting room, which is located at 104 Lilly Street, Jonesville, LA, at a date and time to be determined at the time of the request. Any revisions to this RFP that may become necessary shall be in the form of an Addendum, and shall be issued by the Town of Jonesville not later than 72 hours prior to the time specified below for receipt of proposals. If delivery is made by mail or carrier service, care should be exercised to ensure that the delivery is made by the deadline stated above. No proposal will be accepted if received by the Town Clerk after the deadline stated above, for any reason. For purposes of this RFP, a proposal is defined as completion of Pages 3 and 4 of this document, with proposed unit prices clearly marked in dollars and cents, along with name and address of firm, Louisiana license number, signature of person submitting the bid, and date submitted. Proposals should consider weekly collection of the estimated 1300 residential and commercial customers serviced by the Town, including the providing of one (1) seventy two to ninety (72-90) gallon trash cans. Proposals shall also consider the placement and weekly collection of two (2) thirty (30) yard roll off dumpsters to be placed at the Town's discretion. Finally, proposals should consider providing to the Town at no additional cost up to twenty-five (25) trash cans during each year of the contract period, for up to one (1) week of usage, available within five (5) days request by the Town. The Proposer should include pricing to provide and furnish at its costs any and all labor, equipment, machinery, transportation, tools, materials and supplies necessary to perform the services in connection with the collections, transportation, and disposal of solid waste within the Town of Jonesville. For purposes of Service Alternate 2, the request is for pricing to include the pick-up of large white goods and bulk materials (ex.: appliances, large debris, limbs, furniture, etc). Collection should be by any device able to lift these items. To determine if feasible, the Town is asking for two collection methods Ñ 1) As needed or 2) Designated dates Proposers will be asked to provide (minimum requirements) 1. Insurance - General Liability (Naming Town of Jonesville as the additional insured) Automobile Insurance Worker's Comp Insurance & Employer's Liability Professional Liability Insurance Umbrella Liability 2. Indemnification to Town of Jonesville 3. Monthly Report of Tonnage specific to the Town 4. Performance Bond (amount to be determined) Proposals are for the selection process. Specific requirements will be detailed in the executable contract. The Proposer hereby submits the following information for consideration of the Town of Jonesville: SERVICE ALTERNATE 1, "House-to-House" Collection and Disposal of Residential Solid Waste Item No. 001, Collection and Disposal of Residential Solid Waste A proposed lump base price of $_____ dollars and _____ cents per month A proposed (decreased) unit price of $ _____ dollars and _____ cents per unit above 1300 customers. SERVICE ALTERNATE 2, "House-to-House" Collection and Disposal of Residential White Goods and Bulk Items Item No. 002, Collection and Disposal of Residential White Goods and Bulk Items A proposed monthly lump sum price of $ _____ dollars and _____ cents per ton on an as needed basis (reasonable notice given) A proposed monthly lump sum price of $ _____ dollars and _____ cents per ton on a designated date(s) of each month Location of Landfill to be used: _____________________



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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