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Published January 25, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a bridge / tunnel in West Sacramento, California. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and for paving for a bridge / tunnel.

The following is a list of tasks that are intended to be the responsibility of the Consultant pursuant to this Request for Proposals (Scope of Work). It is not intended that the tasks listed here comprise an exhaustive list or considered the only tasks required for this project. Each consultant firm or individual submitting a proposal should, based on their expertise, develop a comprehensive and detailed scope of work necessary to complete the deliverables required in accordance with Caltrans LAPM for completing the PA&ED project development phase. Question Deadline 11/07/2023 at 4:00 PM PT A Proposer may submit Questions related to this RFP to the City through the City s e-Procurement Portal at or before: Question Response Deadline:November 9, 2023, 4:00pm A Proposer may not restrict the rights of the City or otherwise qualify a Proposal. If a Proposer does so, the City may determine the Proposal is a nonresponsive counteroffer, and the Proposal may be rejected. 1. The selected consulting firm shall serve as the City's representative and is expected to provide management support for the project from inception through completion. The Consultant project manager's work will be coordinated directly with the city staff project manager. The consultant shall be responsible for project management activities throughout the life of the project. The following tasks should be itemized and incorporated into the fee schedule under the appropriate activities and include, but are not limited to the following: A. Setup and facilitation of Project Development Team (PDT) meetings, interagency meetings, field reviews, advisory and/or stakeholder group meetings, and other project related meetings. B. Consultant shall prepare meeting agendas, meeting minutes, and meeting sign in sheets for all meetings. C. Consultant PM shall coordinate design input and review oversight, and coordinate activities with other departments and divisions as appropriate in coordination with City PM. D. Consultant PM shall be knowledgeable about all required permitting processes, issue direction, clarifications, and changes in work in coordination with City PM. E. Adherence to project schedule. The consultant will be responsible for developing and implementing a comprehensive schedule to accomplish this task, and update the schedule as required. Schedule shall be provided to the City in two forms: 1) a Gantt-chart format for internal use, and 2) a simplified schedule that will be posted on the project webpage for public viewing. F. Adherence to project budget. In collaboration with the consultant team, the City desires to establish a budget which is feasible for successful project delivery. The City's expectation is that the consultant will be aggressive in managing the project to eliminate or minimize supplemental agreements. Consultant PM will perform invoice and progress payment approvals and be available for discussion and clarifications with City PM as needed. G. The City Project Manager must be kept abreast by the consultant PM of all coordination with outside agencies, and prior to any meeting with an outside agency or organization. H. The consultant shall prepare monthly status reports which are to be submitted with invoices. The status report must outline all activities for which charges have been made by the consultant team, including subconsultants. I. The consultant shall prepare a draft status report and submit it for approval prior to submitting the first invoice. For project tracking and status reports as well as budget tracking, a web-based project schedule Gantt-chart and budget tracker is preferable. J. The consultant shall prepare a city project report to document all key findings and decisions made during PA/ED. The project report will also detail the project budget, key correspondence, and approvals. K. Lead consultant will prepare a Quality Management Plan (QMP) for the City to review and approve. The QMP will include information on the processes for quality control for this project with a design checklist and procedures for ensuring that quality reviews are performed and documented. The City may audit the project to verify that Consultant is complying with the QMP at any time.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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January 17, 2024

February 16, 2024


Multiple Locations, West Sacramento, CA

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