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Published August 19, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and renovation of a mixed-use development in Upper Saint Clair, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a playground / park / athletic field; for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot; for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

Construction is underway and all trades are let. Project was awarded to the following contractors. For Site Construction it is awarded to Cast & Baker Corp with $4,482,365.25, for Plumbing Construction to First American Industries with $392,300.00, for Building Construction to DiMarco Construction with $1,721,434.00, for HVAC Construction to East West Manufacturing & Supply with $75,000.00 but no bids received for Electrical Construction. Total awarded amount is $6,671,099.25. Contract No. 1 Base Bid - Site Construction This project involves improvements to an existing Township Park, including, but not limited to, clearing and grubbing; existing building and site feature demolition and protection; unclassified bulk excavation; erosion and sediment control measures; storm and sanitary sewer installation; waterline and electrical installation to the accessory building structures, asphalt and concrete paving; field accessories including, but not limited to, benches, backstops; foul poles, chain-link fencing and sports netting; pavement line striping; and associated landscaping, plantings and site furnishings, complete in place. Contract No. 2 - Base Bid - Building Construction This project involves construction of four (4) buildings for improvements to an existing Township Park. The work includes, but not limited to; chain link fences & gates (interior), cast-in-place concrete, unit masonry assemblies, glass unit masonry assemblies, structural steel, pipe & tube railings, rough carpentry, sheathing, metal-plate-connected wood trusses, exterior finish carpentry interior finish carpentry, FRP plastic paneling, asphalt shingles, metal roof panels, cement board soffit paneling, sheet metal flashing & trim, joint sealants, steel doors & frames, access doors & frames, overhead coiling doors, sectional overhead doors, aluminum windows, fiberglass windows, door hardware, glazing, gypsum board, exterior painting, interior painting, toilet compartments, louvers & vents, signage, fire extinguishers & cabinets, and food service equipment. Contract No. 3- Base Bid - Electrical Construction This project involves electrical construction for improvements to an existing Township Park. including, but not limited to, existing electrical demolition; and associated site and building electrical construction, complete in place. Contract No. 4- Base Bid - Plumbing Construction This project involves plumbing construction for improvements to an existing Township Park, including, but not limited to, existing plumbing demolition; and associated site and building plumbing construction, complete in place. Contract No. 5- Base Bid - HVAC Construction This project involves mechanical construction for improvements to an existing Township Park, including, but not limited to, existing mechanical demolition; and associated building mechanical construction, complete in place. Performance and Labor and Material Payment Bonds, along with Public Liability and Property Damage Certificates of Insurance in the amounts specified, as well as Certificates of Workman's Compensation must be filed with the executed Agreement Proposals to receive consideration must be accompanied by a Certified Check or Bid Bond from a Surety authorized to do business in Pennsylvania, made to the order of the Township of Upper St. Clair in an amount equal to ten (10%) percent of the total amount of the Proposal as a guarantee that, if the Proposal is accepted, the successful Bidder will enter into an Agreement within ten (10) days after Notice of the Award of the Contract Bid Result. Site Construction: Cast & Baker Corp $4,482,365.25 Building Construction: R.A Glancy & Sons $590,000.00 Plumbing Construction: First American Industries $392,300.00 HVAC Construction: East West Mfg & Supply $75,000.00

Under Construction

Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Paving, Renovation, Site Work





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To Be Determined, Upper Saint Clair, PA

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