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Published January 5, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in East Fayetteville, North Carolina. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

PWC is seeking a qualified utility construction contractor who would be available on a regular basis to provide construction services for the replacement and/or installation of various new water and/or sewer mains and appurtenances. Various projects consisting of the replacement of water and/or sewer mains, manholes, installation of new manholes on existing mains, valves, fire hydrants, service laterals (water and/or sewer), restoration (sod, seed, asphalt patching, concrete patching, etc.), and all other activities (i.e., bypass pumping, resident coordination, etc.) or any combination of items related to PWC's water and/or sewer system needed to complete a specified project assigned by PWC. Replacements are generally within public streets but can include easement areas. Work can include open cut, pipe-bursting, horizontal directional drilling, or other alternative construction methods that minimizes impact to the public and meets the needs of PWC. The work covered under this Contract includes PWC's service area throughout Cumberland County. This contractor may be needed to support the water distribution and sewer collection system within the PWC service area. The foregoing description shall not be construed as a complete description of all work required. All work shall be done in accordance with PWC technical specifications and standard contract terms. Questions will be fielded at the pre-bid meeting and all prospective bidders are urged to attend the meeting. Individual telephone inquiries are prohibited. PWC assumes no responsibility to fully inform absentees of clarifications not issued by addendum. Bids must be enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed to Victoria McAllister, Procurement Advisor, Fayetteville Public Works Commission, 955 Old Wilmington Road, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301. The outside of the envelope must be marked SEALED BID: VARIOUS WATER AND SEWER MAIN UTILITY REPLACEMENT ANNUAL CONTRACT and shall indicate the name, address and state license number of the bidder. Bids shall be submitted on the printed forms, or exact copies thereof, contained in the Contract Documents. Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid bond of five percent (5%) of the bid executed by a surety company licensed under the laws of North Carolina to execute the Contract in accordance with the bid bond and upon failure to forthwith make payment, the surety shall pay the obligee an amount equal to the amount of said bond. Said deposit shall be retained by the Owner as liquidated damages in event of failure of the successful bidder to execute the Contract within ten (10) days after the Notice of Award or give satisfactory surety as required by law. Performance and Payment Bonds are required in the amount of 100% of the Contract amount and shall be furnished by the Contractor. All Contractors are notified that North Carolina Statutory provisions as to licensing of Contractors will be followed as applicable in receiving and evaluating bids and in reading and awarding the Contract (Chapter 87 of the North Carolina General Statutes). All questions about the meaning or intent of the bid or Contract Documents shall be submitted in writing to Victoria McAllister, Senior Procurement Advisor, by email to victoria.mcallister@faypwc.com. In order to receive consideration, questions must be received by 5:00 p.m., Friday, November 3, 2023. Any interpretations of questions so raised, which in the opinion of the Project Engineer require interpretations, will be issued by Addenda via email or posted online by the Owner and/or Project Engineer. An Addendum extending the Bid Opening date may be issued up to five (5) business days before the Bid Opening date. An Addendum withdrawing the Invitation for Bid may be issued any time prior to the Bid Opening date. The Owner and Project Engineer will not be responsible for oral interpretations or clarifications, which anyone presumes to make on their behalf.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Multiple Locations, East Fayetteville, NC

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