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Published January 5, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Houston, Texas. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Questions Due Date: Nov 3rd, 2023, 12:00 PM CDT Construction of Northpointe Boulevard Segment 2 from Northpointe Ridge Lane to Northpointe Terrace Drive for Harris County Precinct 4. The vendor must comply with all requirements in the "Harris County General Conditions for Roads, Bridges, and Related Work" or "Harris County General Conditions for Building Construction and Related Work," whichever is applicable. PREVAILING WAGES In accordance with Section 2258 of the Texas Government Code, contractor and any subcontractor hired by contractor for the construction of any project, shall not pay less than the rates set forth in the Schedule of Prevailing Wages attached and incorporated by reference in each Project Manual. Contractor warrants that it and its subcontractors shall comply with all requirements and worker ratios per the applicable Schedule of Prevailing Wages and Texas state law. Contractor shall submit certified payroll of contractor and all subcontractors on a weekly basis. At County's request, contractor shall make available and shall require its subcontractors to make available, copies of cancelled checks and check stubs for comparisons by the County or its agents. County reserves the right for its agents to visit the project site and to interview contractor, its subcontractors and employees of each on any date or time, as often as desired during the construction period, without prior notification. County will ascertain if proper wage rates are being paid to the employees as required by the Project Manual. In the event of a discrepancy between the work performed and the wages paid, County will document same and notify contractor. All initial determinations of the classification of workers or the appropriate prevailing wage shall be made by the Harris County Contract Compliance Officer. Her determinations shall be binding. If, for any length of time and as determined by the Harris County Contract Compliance Officer, discrepancies appear between the certified payrolls and the actual wage paid, County shall require check stubs to be attached to each weekly certified payroll. Pursuant to TEX. GOV'T CODE ANN. 2258.051, the County reserves the right to withhold any monies due contractor until such discrepancy is resolved and the necessary adjustment made. Contractor shall also pay a penalty in accordance with TEX. GOV'T CODE ANN. 2258.023(b), of Sixty and No/Dollars ($60.00) per day per person per incident that such person is underpaid. Contractor shall impose these same obligations upon its Subcontractors. Contractor understands that with monthly certified payrolls, contractor is responsible for any and all penalties that shall accrue during the month, regardless of the fact that any error could not be discovered by the Contract Compliance Officer until the following certified payroll. As well, GC 2253.021, Performance and Payment Bonds, requires the vendor to provide a payment bond on all public works jobs that exceed $25,000, and a performance bond on all public works jobs that exceed $100,000. The rates quoted on the Bid Table (bid pricing sheets) within Bonfire must be all-inclusive. "All inclusive" shall be construed as costs incorporating all charges for labor, material, equipment and any other cost incurred. No separate line item rates or charges will be accepted. Quantities are estimated. Harris County may require more or less. In case of a discrepancy between unit and total pricing, unit pricing governs. When submitting a bid, the vendor must be sure to redact confidential information if the information is needed to address requirements of the bid. If there are any questions concerning confidentiality of information to be submitted, contact Maria Heinzmann immediately at maria.heinzmann@pur.hctx.net. The project will consist of, but not limited to, furnishing all personnel, supervision, labor, equipment, materials and incidentals necessary for the construction of Northpointe Boulevard from Northpointe Ridge Lane to Northpointe Terrace Drive from a 2-lane concrete to a 4-lane concrete boulevard with a 32' raised median. The proposed improvements include curb and gutter, storm sewer, traffic signal installation at Northpointe Ridge Lane and traffic signal modification at Northpointe Terrace Drive for Precinct 4 .


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work





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