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Published October 31, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a clubhouse / community center in Thomaston, Georgia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a clubhouse / community center.

Question Deadline 11/16/2023 at 2:00 PM ET Invitation to bid for commercial roof replacement for the Upson County Senior Center. A. Scope: 1. Roof System Flashing Conditions: In roof system work areas included in project, install new sealants in accordance with project summary of work, project technical specifications, project diagrams, and applicable manufacturerrequirements. 2.03 NON-SAG JOINT SEALANTS A. Sealant Type 1 - Non-Staining Silicone Sealant: ASTM C920, Grade NS, Uses M and A; not expected to withstand continuous water immersion or traffic. 1. For use on metal, concrete, stone, glass and other manufacturer approved substrates. Not for use in contact with roof membranes. 2. Movement Capability: Plus and minus 50 percent, minimum. 3. Non-Staining to Porous Stone: Non-staining to light-colored natural stone when tested in accordance with ASTM C1248. 4. Dirt Pick-Up: Reduced dirt pick-up compared to other silicone sealants. 5. Hardness Range: 15 to 35, Shore A, when tested in accordance with ASTMC661. 6. Color: To be selected by Consultant from manufacturer's standard range. 7. Cure Type: Single-component, neutral moisture curing. 8. Service Temperature Range: Minus 65 to 180 degrees F (Minus 54 to 82 degreesC). 9. Products: Basis of Design is products manufactured by Dow Corning Corporation. A. Perform work in accordance with sealant manufacturer's requirements for preparation of surfaces and material installation instructions. B. Utilize tape to provide a perimeter boundary for joint sealant installation. Ensure tape used does not damage or alter the appearance of substrates that tape is installedover. C. Measure joint dimensions and size joint backers to achieve width-to-depth ratio, neck dimension, and surface bond area as recommended by manufacturer, except where specific dimensions are indicated. 1. Install joint sealant backing materials (i.e., backer rod, etc.) at joints greater than 1/8- inch in width and depth. Coordinate with sealant manufacturerrequirements. 2. Install bond breaker backing tape where backer rod cannot be used. D. Install sealant free of air pockets, foreign embedded matter, ridges, and sags, and without getting sealant on adjacent surfaces. E. Do not install sealant when ambient temperature is outside manufacturer's recommended temperature range or will be outside that range during the entire curing period, unless manufacturer's approval is obtained, and instructions are followed. F. Non-sag Sealants: Tool surface concave, unless otherwise indicated; remove joint sealant boundary masking tape immediately after tooling sealantsurface. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Non-Destructive Adhesion Testing: If there are any failures, notify Consultant and Owner immediately. B. Remove and replace failed portions of sealants using same materials and procedures as indicated for original installation


Clubhouse / Community Centers


Public - County


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302 S Bethel St, Thomaston, GA

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