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Site work for a water / sewer project in Omaha, Nebraska. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Furnishing all labor, tools, materials and equipment required for the project designated as OAK LEAF EXTERIOR WATER MAIN - PHASE I for Sanitary and Improvement District 362, Sarpy County, Nebraska, as per the plans and specifications for said work, at the locations shown on the detailed drawings and in the specifications now on file at the office of FOLEYSHALD ENGINEERING, LLC The Work Consists Essentially of the Following Estimated Quantities: Approximate Quantities Item Description Quantity Unit 1 Construct 12" Ductile Iron Water Main, Pc 350 3,570 Lf 2 Construct Bored 12" Ductile Iron Water Main, Pc 350 350 Lf 3 Construct 16" Ductile Iron Water Main, Pc 350 5,212 Lf 4 Construct Bored 16" Ductile Iron Water Main, Pc 350 280 Lf 5 Construct Bored Pipe Encasement 510 Lf 6 Construct Type 1 Hydrant, Gate Valve & Tee Assembly W/ Backing Block 12 Ea 7 Construct Type 5 Hydrant Assembly W/ Backing Block 3 Ea 8 Construct Type 7 Hydrant & Gate Valve, & Tee Asembly W/ Backing Block 3 Ea 9 Construct Type 8 Hydrant, Gate Valve & Tee Assembly 2 Ea 10 Construct 12" Gate Valve, M.j., 48" Vault, Concrete Collar & 1" Mar 11 Ea 11 Construct 12" Gate Valve, M.j. W/ Cc Box 5 Ea 12 Construct 12" X 12" Tee, M.j. 3 Ea 13 Construct 12" X 45 Deg Bend, M.j. 8 Ea 14 Construct 12" Retainer Gland, M.j. 30 Ea 15 Construct 16" Gate Valve, M.j., 48" Vault, Concrete Collar 6 Ea 16 Construct 16" Gate Valve, M.j., 60" Vault, Concrete Collar & 2" Mar 5 Ea 17 Construct 16" X 12" Tee, M.j. 5 Ea 18 Construct 16" X 16" Tee, M.j. 1 Ea 19 Construct 16" X 45 Deg Bend, M.j. 2 Ea 20 Construct 16" Retainer Gland, M.j. 17 Ea 21 Connect to Existing 12" Water Main 1 Ea 22 Connect to Existing 16" Water Main 1 Ea 23 Construct Backing Block for Bends 10 Ea 24 Construct Backing Block for Tees 9 Ea 25 Install Seeding Type "row Seed Mix" 6 Ac 26 Install Mulching 6 Ac 27 Construct 12" Chlorine Tube 1 Ea 28 Construct 16" Chlorine Tube 1 Ea 29 Construct Sample Tap 16 Ea 30 Exploratory Excavation 5 Hr 31 Construct 12" Plug W/ Backing Block 3 Ea 32 Sidewalk Removal & Replacement 125 Sf 33 Traffic Control 1 Ls Sanitary and Improvement District 362 of Sarpy County, Nebraska, reserves the right to reject any or all bids received and to waive informalities and irregularities Bid Results :: "Total of All Units Price Bid Items :: McAninch Corporation :: $2,601,464" Total of All Units Price Bid Items :: Cedar Construction :: $2,884,051

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Water / Sewer


Public - County

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