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Renovation of an educational facility in Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Working plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

**As of December 7, 2023, bids received were rejected as they were over the budget. No definite date for the rebid.** Existing building is Type V-B construction. Building components shall consist of demolition, concrete, wood framing, insulation, painting, gas piping, electrical, mechanical, site work and chain link fencing. General Construction Prime Bids for this project shall be received as follows: Questions regarding this Invitation to Bid shall be directed to the office of LTA Architects, 8677 N Wayne Dr, Ste A, Hayden, Idaho 83835. Architect phone number 208.772.0503. Project Architect: Cory Trapp, AIA. Idaho law requires that all bidders have an Idaho Public Works Contractor s License, as provided for by the Public Works Contractors License Act. Bids must be made upon the form furnished, must be accompanied by a bid bond or other surety in the amount of 5% of the total bid amount, and cannot be withdrawn until thirty (30) days after the above stated times of opening. The Board of Trustees, Boundary County School District No 101, Bonners Ferry, Idaho reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any informalities and to award the bid to the responsive bidder that the School District deems is in the best interest of the School District. In the event the School District elects to award the bid to other than the lowest responsive bidder, the School District will declare its reasons on the record and communicate those reasons in writing to all person having submitted a competing bid. If there are two or more identical responsive bids from which the School District elects to make the selection, the School District shall have the discretion to award the bid in any manner deemed fair and equitable and in the best interest of the School District.

Final Planning



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November 13, 2023

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6577 S Main St, Bonners Ferry, ID

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