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Site work for a water / sewer project in Victoria, British Columbia. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Work to be performed under the Contract includes, but is not limited to, the following items, including all ancillary Work covered further in the Contract: Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) requires contaminated soil to be remediated from three areas (Areas A, B and C) at the CFSA property (the Site), adjacent the Esquimalt Graving Dock (EGD) in Esquimalt, British Columbia (BC). Locate all utility lines within and immediately surrounding the Work Areas. Contractor must provide PSPC with details on materials imported to the Site including recent environmental and geotechnical analytical test results within the previous six months from the date of import for all aggregates and soil products. Contractor is responsible for collection of samples for laboratory analysis of environmental and geotechnical parameters. Details must be provided at least 5 working days prior to bringing material onsite. Imported materials must meet applicable environmental standards and guidelines. Imported materials must be tested for a minimum of metals, volatile organic compounds (VOC), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), petroleum hydrocarbons including benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, xylenes, CCME Petroleum Hydrocarbon Fractions F1 to F4, and per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS). Results must be provided at least 5 working days prior to bringing material onsite. PSPC may conduct on-Site confirmation testing of imported materials. Work required in Area A, adjacent to Building 1014, includes: Removal and offsite recycling of asphalt surface from an approximate 100 m 2 area. Demolition and offsite recycling and disposal of a shed and associated concrete slab floor (the Shed) of the following approximate dimensions framed to the exterior of Building 1014: 4 m long x 2 m wide x 3.5 m high. Contractor will manage hazardous building materials following regulatory requirements and health, safety, and environment best practices. A Pre-Demolition Hazardous Building Materials Assessment (Stantec, 2014) is attached. Removal and offsite recycling of the Shed concrete slab floor. Excavation, transport, and disposal at a Disposal Facility of approximately 300 m 3 of soil impacted with petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), arsenic, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc. Refer to soil quality data included in attached tables and figures. Backfilling of excavation in consideration of the attached Geotechnical Assessment (SLR, 2023), in accordance with Contractor's Qualified Professional geotechnical engineer, and in preparation for asphalt paving. Asphalt paving over entire approximately 315 m 2 Area A excavation footprint. Final asphalt thickness will be 75 mm applied in two 37.5 mm compacted lifts. Asphalt to be graded and sloped for drainage towards the southwestern end. Installation of a 15 cm asphalt berm along the western perimeter of the asphalt paving edge and join with existing berm. Example berm shown in photos. Berm to be continuous with a 15 cm opening for drainage at the southwestern end. Work required in Area B, north of the lower parking area includes: Excavation, transport, and disposal at a Disposal Facility of approximately 4.5 m 3 of soil impacted with arsenic and copper. Refer to soil quality data included in attached tables and figures. Monitoring well CFMW22-78 to be protected and preserved. Restore excavation and surfaces disturbed by Contractor, including backfilling excavation and finishing with imported topsoil to grade. Seed topsoil with lawn-mix grass seed. Work in Area C, in the southern area of the CFSA property includes: Removal and offsite recycling of asphalt surface from an approximate 25 m 2 area. Excavation, transport, and disposal at a Disposal Facility of approximately 40 m 3 of soil impacted with copper. Refer to soil quality data included in attached tables and figures. Monitoring well CFMW22-70, including roadbox to be removed and disposed of. Backfilling of excavation in accordance with Contractor's Qualified Professional geotechnical engineer, and in preparation for asphalt paving. Asphalt paving over entire approximately 25 m 2 Area C excavation footprint. Final asphalt thickness will be 75 mm applied in two 37.5 mm compacted lifts and match existing grades. Excavation will be conducted in consideration of the Geotechnical Assessment and in accordance with the Contractor's Qualified Professional geotechnical engineer to ensure all excavations comply with Worksafe BC requirements and do not cause damage to nearby structures or values. Excavation walls will be cut at a maximum 1:1 slope except where approved by the Contractor's Qualified Professional. Sequencing of excavation work will prevent intrusion of tidal waters. Backfill products will be compacted to 100% of their standard proctor dry density as determined by a Canadian Council of Independent Laboratories (CCIL) accredited geotechnical laboratory. Noise and dust control measures will be the responsibility of the contractor to meet PSPC requirements throughout the Work. Daily sweeping of roadways and hard-surfaced work areas during hauling of materials or other high-traffic periods will be expected. Sinkhole repair includes cutting of an approximate 2 m x 2 m area of asphalt around a sinkhole on the CFSA property, and compaction, backfilling, and repaving to match surrounding grade. Location of sinkhole indicated on Drawings. Contractor must restore CFSA property surfaces to conditions equal to what was present prior to the Work. Contractor to investigate underground utilities in the vicinity of the sinkhole to ensure Work does not impact services. Contractor's Qualified Professional will determine if over excavation of underlying material is required; excavated material will be disposed offsite at a Disposal Facility with excavated material from Areas A, B and C. Site access restrictions are as follows: Site is gated; coordinate access with Departmental Representative. Water access to EGD and the CFSA site not permitted. Neighbouring or sensitive sites restrictions are as follows: The Site is bordered by, and shares access with, EGD. Contractor must prevent impacts to EGD operations. Mature Arbutus trees adjacent to excavation Area A must be protected during the Work. Contractor must communicate with PSPC and its representatives prior to and during excavation activities adjacent to the trees. Monitoring wells at the CFSA property must be protected and preserved. Classes of Soil based on Environmental Quality Criteria are: Waste Quality Soil classification based on insitu testing; exsitu testing may be required as directed by the Departmental Representative. Treatment of Contaminated Water Onsite. Contractor responsible for discharge permits. Treatment of Contaminated Water Offsite. Contractor responsible for transport and treatment. Contractor takes ownership of all material leaving site. Excavation of Contaminated Soil as per Drawings. Contractor solely responsible for excavating to Contaminated Material Limits. Excavation Limits on Drawings and volume estimations based on vertical excavation walls except along Building 1014 where excavation is sloped 1:1; actual shoring and/or slope requirements responsibility of the Contractor. Transportation of Contaminated Soil to facilities. Contractor takes ownership of all material leaving site. Disposal of Contaminated Soil. All material identified as Contaminated on the Site must be disposed of at a Disposal Facility, including material that has been Treated. To assist with bonding and insurance requirements, this project is estimated to cost approximately between $100,001 to $500,000. Please contact the contracting officer to get the full solicitation documentation, access information on how to bid, or if you have any questions regarding this tender opportunity.


Water / Sewer


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1001 Maplebank Rd, Victoria, BC

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