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Site work, paving and outdoor lighting for a mixed-use development in Egg Harbor, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for outdoor lighting for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

The Village of Door County acting through its Board of Trustees hereby gives notice that sealed Bids will be received for the following described project. The work shall consist of the installation of a new continuous street lighting system on STH 42 from Harbor School Road to CTH E. The total project length is 0.56 miles. This is a federally funded project and will consist of the following approximate quantities: 73 Street Lighting Units and Bases 46,000 L.F. of Electrical Wire 2 Control Cabinets and Bases 4 RRFB Crosswalk Assemblies Bids will be received on the following Contract: Contract No. E0003-08-21- 00304 EGG HARBOR STREET LIGHTING Harbor School Road - CTH E Federally Funded Project All Bidders shall Bid in accordance with and upon the Bid Forms included in the Contract Documents. The Project Documents are on file for inspection at the offices of McMahon Associates, Inc., 1445 McMahon Drive, Neenah, Wisconsin 54956. No Bid shall be received unless accompanied by a Certified Check or satisfactory Bid Bond payable to the Village of Egg Harbor in an amount not less than 5% of the maximum Bid as a guarantee that, if the Bid is accepted, the Bidder will execute and file the Contract, Performance/Payment Bonds and Insurance Certification, as required by the Contract Documents, within 15-days after the Notice of Award. The OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, waive any informalities in Bidding or to accept the Bid or Bids which best serves the interests of the Village of Egg Harbor. No Bid shall be withdrawn for a period of 60-days after the scheduled opening without the consent of the OWNER. A Proof Of Responsibility (Pre-Qualification) Form for all Contracts in excess of $10,000 must be filed in the office of the Administrator not later than five (5) calendar days prior to the date of receiving Bids, and shall show sufficient ability, equipment and experience to properly perform the Contract. The Village of Egg Harbor's decision as to qualifications shall be final. The OWNER may make such investigations as deemed necessary to determine the ability of the Bidder to perform the work and the Bidder shall furnish to the OWNER all such information and data as may be requested for this purpose. The OWNER reserves the right to reject any Bid if the evidence submitted by, or investigation of, such Bidder fails to satisfy the OWNER that such Bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the Contract and complete the work as described by the Contract Documents. Conditional Bids shall not be accepted. The Contract letting shall be subject to the provisions of Sections 66.0901, 66.0903 and 779.14 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The CONTRACTOR shall be required to pay not less than the Wage Rates established for the project by the U.S. Department Of Labor - DavisBacon, and pay wages at rates not less than the highest rate noted for each trade. Copies of the applicable Wage Rates are on file with the OWNER and/or incorporated in the Contract Documents The Bidder, or agents, officers or employees, have not, either directly or indirectly, entered into an agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competition bidding with this Bid. All Bidders shall submit an Affidavit of Non-Collusion. The Egg Harbor Street Lighting Project is being federally funded through the Carbon Reduction Program (CRP). The State of Wisconsin Project I.D. Number is 4140-10-75. It is policy for this Project that Minority Business, as defined by 49 CFR, Part 26, shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of this Contract. This Project has no assigned DBE goal. Bidders must demonstrate positive efforts to utilize DBE's. The Prime CONTRACTOR will perform at least 30 percent of the original contract amount with the CONTRACTOR's own organization per Section 108.1.2 of the current edition of the WisDOT Standard Specifications for Highway and Structure Construction. The CONTRACTOR will accept as its operating policy the following statement: "It is policy of this company to assure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, religion, sex, color, national origin, age or disability. Such action shall include: employment, upgrading, demolition, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship pre-apprenticeship, and/or on-the job training." It shall be mandatory for the CONTRACTOR(s), including any Subcontractor, to comply with all requirements of Federal HR 3547, 'Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014', specifically Division G, Title IV, as it pertains to the use of American Iron and Steel. Published by the authority of the Village of Egg Harbor acting through its Board of Trustees. All questions about the meaning or intent of the Contract Documents shall be submitted to the ENGINEER in writing. Replies will be issued by Addenda. Questions received less than 5-days prior to the date for opening of Bids will not be answered. Only questions answered by formal written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Meeting ID: 290 447 548 178 Passcode: y3DkNH Download Teams | Join on the web This is a VIEW ONLY bid opening. Please MUTE your mics. Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Meeting ID: 290 447 548 178 Passcode: y3DkNH Download Teams | Join on the web This is a VIEW ONLY bid opening. Please MUTE your mics. The Village is accepting bids for the Walk, Bike & Eggsplore Egg Harbor project and Street Lighting project at the same time. If you are waiting for the Street Lighting results, please be patient those results will follow the Walk, Bike & Eggsplore Egg Harbor bid opening.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Outdoor Lighting, Paving, Site Work





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November 16, 2023

December 18, 2023


WI-42, Egg Harbor, WI

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