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Published December 4, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Clovis, New Mexico. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Reference Number 0000334050 Job Location: Hillcrest Park Zoo, located at 1208 N. Norris St., Clovis, NM 88101 Contractor will have 100 calendar days to complete the project once the commencement date has been issued and established. Question Acceptance Deadline 11/17/2023 at 5:00 PM MT Questions are submitted online Yes Questions concerning the work to be performed or the work area should be directed to Mr. Russell Hooper, Parks & Recreation Director, (575) 769-7870 or rhooper@cityofclovis.org. Questions concerning the bid process should be directed to the Purchasing Department, (575) 763-9634, or purchasing@cityofclovis.org The successful vendor must have the appropriate equipment to complete the contract in a timely and professional manner. Delays in service due to inadequate equipment and personnel will be cause for contract termination. All equipment must have safety devices installed. The enclosed fee sheets must be filled out completely and signed. Failure to do so may be considered grounds to reject the bid. Bid price shall be made on a lump sum basis and shall remain in effect for the entire period of the contract. Bid price shall include applicable gross receipts tax listed on a separate line. The applicable tax should be shown as a separate amount on each request for payment made under the contract. BONDING REQUIREMENTS: Bid Bond 5% of the total bid required at bid opening. Performance Bond 100% of the total bid required upon Notice of Intent to Award & prior to contract execution. Payment Bond - 100% of the total bid required upon Notice of Intent to Award & prior to contract execution. Buyer Preferences, Guidelines & Requirements General Requirements - Contractors License Required The City of Clovis reserves the right to terminate the contract prior to the end of the above stated period. FENCE REQUIREMENTS Fencing will need to be installed based on the layout attached and labeled as Appendix A. The following specifications should be a part of the bid: Appendix B Fencing will need to be installed 9 tall above ground level and installed. 11 posts, buried 2 in the ground 12x 12 concrete footer, capped with a 6x8 concrete stem wall Vertical posts will be square tubing measuring: 3x 3x 11-gauge, Red Oxide Primer-10 on center Horizontal railing must be 3x2x14 gauge rectangular tube, Red Oxide Primer Metal Panels-28-gauge x 8 6 topped with R-head trim The length of the fence is approximately 4,000 This project will need to include the demo of the existing fence. Contractor will be responsible for maintaining security of the project while it is in progress. Contractor shall continuously maintain proof of licensing and insurance to include Workers Compensation and comprehensive protection covering property damage and personal injury liability equal to or greater than the liability limits set forth in NMSA 1978, Section 41-4-19. Contractor shall provide all of the equipment necessary to safely and efficiently remove the old fence and install the new fence while always keeping the zoo secure. Contractor will be responsible for providing a safe work or drop zone for the public. The work/drop zone shall at all times be clearly identified with barricades, safety cones, warning tape, etc. It will be the Contractors responsibility to make sure there is secure zoo perimeter fence at all times during construction. Contractor shall have personnel who are well equipped and trained in all safety and technical aspects of fencing. Failure to comply with any requirements above shall result in an order to stop work immediately and remedy the lack of compliance. The stop work order may be issued verbally by (appropriate city project manager) on site, followed by a written order to stop work. Any expenses which may be incurred by the contractor as a result of the non-compliance stop work order shall not be eligible for additional compensation under this contract.

Bid Results

Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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1208 N Norris St, Clovis, NM

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