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Published December 7, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and asbestos abatement for a museum in Clandeboye, Manitoba. Completed plans call for site work for a museum; and for asbestos abatement for a museum.

The Southwest Bastion is a cultural resource and is the only bastion at Lower Fort Garry with a Federal Heritage Building Review Organization designation. Work is necessary on the stone walls of this building. To facilitate and prepare for this work, testing was conducted in 2021 on the paint on the interior historic stone walls and they were found to contain lead (Pb). Parks Canada requires all paint to be removed from interior masonry and on two pieces of wood in the walls by non-abrasive brushing and vacuuming with HEPA vacuums and by soda blasting. ALL paint is to be abated and/or remediated according to all current and most stringent federal and/or provincial codes to ensure the health and safety of visitors and staff. Contractor is responsible to ensure lead does not migrate to other areas of the building or outside of the building. Work to be completed by January 22, 2024. This work will include the supply and delivery of all tools and equipment necessary for the removal of the paint and its safe remediation necessary for abatement and disposal of paint, lead containing paint, blasting materials associated with the removal of the paint, and any other materials or products used in the removal of the paint. Please note a separate contract for an Industrial hygienist to conduct lead surface and air quality testing before, during and after this abatement contract has gone out to ensure lead dust is not migrating outside the work area. It is expected that this Industrial hygienist contractor will be onsite during the abatement and will provide independent review to Parks Canada for the duration of the abatement contract.




Public - Federal

Asbestos Abatement, Site Work




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5925 Provincial Trunk Hwy 9, Clandeboye, MB

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