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Published May 17, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Delran, New Jersey. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

As of May 2024 this project will start in the summer of 2024. The Project consists of Renovations at Millbridge Elementary School, 282 Conrow Road, Delran, New Jersey 08075; Renovations at Delran Middle School Gym, 905 Chester Avenue, Delran, New Jersey 08075; and Culinary Arts Renovation at Delran High School, 50 Hartford Road, Delran, New Jersey 08075 1. The Contractors are strongly encouraged to verify all existing conditions, dimensions and areas prior to submitting a responsive / responsible bid. Such site visit shall be for familiarizing the Contractor with the conditions as they exist and the character of the operations to be carried on under the Contract Documents, including all existing site conditions, access to the site, physical characteristics of the site and surrounding areas. Site visits can be arranged through the Facilities Manager, Mike DiGiovanni, office phone number (856) 461-1553, cell phone number is (609) 868-0461. 2. The Contractor shall provide a single full-time onsite Superintendent who is present for all work at all times including, but not limited to, subcontractor work. The Superintendent is responsible for maintaining a daily log of all personnel onsite. 3. During the complete duration of the Work, the Contractor must maintain the continued operation and function of all services and systems including, but not limited to, fire alarm, data, network, information technology, security, audio visual, electrical and HVAC. If a disruption to a system occurs, the Contractor must immediately take all actions necessary to restore the system at the earliest possible time. Any required shutdown of any system needs to be coordinated and scheduled with the Owner at times when school is not in session. 4. This work is scheduled to occur during periods of time when weather protection will be required. The Contractor is responsible for all weather-related protection required to ensure that the work will continue uninterrupted until completion. 5. Where corridor ceilings are being replaced, all existing ceiling mounted devices must remain in operation and be temporarily supported during replacement. Bundle and tie loose wire above ceilings per NEC requirements prior to reinstalling devices within the new ceiling assembly. 6. Restore all grades, lawns, concrete curbing, sidewalks, asphalt and pavement to pre-construction condition. 7. The Contractor shall locate all subsurface wires, cables, pipes and pipeline in the work area prior to construction. See General Conditions Section 2.2.3 for additional information. 8. MILLBRIDGE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Scope of work consists of the following items: a. Unit Ventilator Replacement - Existing thru-wall air conditioners, unit ventilators, associated casework and piping are to be replaced with new DX unit ventilators and condensers, along with associated casework and piping. New electrical circuits will be run to each new unit location from new main feeders run above corridor the ceilings. Patching of existing flooring will be required. Foor patching includes VCT and minimal carpeting. Partial removal of existing ceilings to remain will be required for conduit and mechanical piping to the new units. b. Door Replacement - Existing doors and frames are to be removed and replaced with widened code compliant doors. Replacement requires widening of existing masonry openings, removal of adjacent built-in cabinets, and partial removal of existing alcove soffits and flooring. Refer to abatement specification herein for removal of transom panels in existing door frames. c. Gang Toilet Room Renovations - Existing toilet rooms are to be demolished and reconstructed in a code complaint manner. Provide new plumbing chase walls, fixtures, flooring, ceilings, partitions, accessories, heating and lighting as indicated on plans. Doors to be removed, openings widened and replaced with code complaint doors. d. Ceiling Replacement - Where indicated on plans, remove existing ceiling system including 2x4 tile, grid system and associated supports. Existing ceiling mounted devices and light fixtures are to be reinstalled in new ceiling system. Temporarily support as required. Refer to abatement specification herein for ceilings requiring abatement. e. Above Ceiling Wiring - Secure all above ceiling wiring in a code compliant manner. f. Electrical Service - Existing service to be increased from 800 amps to 1200 amps 9. DELRAN MIDDLE SCHOOL: Scope of work consists of the following items: a. Removal of existing lay-in ceilings and VAT flooring in 11 classrooms and removal of VAT flooring in conference room. Refer to abatement specification herein for ceilings and flooring abatement requirements. b. Provide new flooring and ceilings at areas depicted in plans. Provide new lighting at classrooms to receive new ceilings. 10. DELRAN HIGH SCHOOL: Scope of work consists of the following items: a. Demolish the existing culinary room including all casework and built-in furniture, lay-in ceiling system, VAT flooring, and electrical devices. Remove and replace the existing transom panel. Refer to abatement specifications herein for transom panel and flooring abatement requirements. b. Remove door and frame to adjacent classroom and infill masonry opening to match adjacent existing conditions. c. Reconstruct Lab per plans provided including 6 new student kitchens and 1 teaching kitchen island, teaching area and cleaning area. Provide new built-in furniture including vented bookshelf, base, wall, storage, and wardrobe cabinets. Provide solid surface counters at all kitchens and wet area counters. Provide stainless steel student tables and 3-bowl sinks. Provide and install all appliances including electric ranges, range hoods, refrigerators, microwaves, dishwashers, and washer/dryer. d. Provide new finishes including new epoxy flooring, new lay-in ceilings with new light fixtures and repainting of existing walls. Provide new window shades and insect screens. Friday 11/17/23 Deadline for Questions at 5:00 P.M. (emailjminniti@garrisonarch.com)




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