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Published December 5, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Orlando, Florida. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Work under this contract shall consist of the interior renovation to the 2nd floor atrium space located at the Cassady Building. The interior storefront on the 2nd floor to be removed and the atrium space to receive an infill to create approximately an additional 500 square feet of space for offices and workstations. Two new offices and six new workstations to be installed. A new ceiling and LED lights to be installed in the conference space on the 1st floor as well as the new space on the 2nd floor. On the second floor the ACT will include skylight panels to allow for natural light of the remaining glass roof of the atrium to come through the space. Scope of work includes demolition of interior finishes, ceiling grid and tile, lighting fixtures, ceiling devices and HVAC supply diffusers. Additional structural will be required per the structural drawings. Existing fire sprinklers and system to be modified based on new ceiling layout. No plumbing is required as part of the project scope. Orange County exercises the rights and privileges conveyed to it by the State of Florida, and the Orange County Charter. It presently operates with an elected chief executive officer, Orange County Mayor, and six elected district commissioners, who together comprise the Board of County Commissioners. The Orange County Procurement Division operates under the leadership of Carrie Mathes, MPA, NIGP-CPP, CFCM, CPPO, CPPB as Procurement Division Manager and Chief Procurement Official in accordance with the Orange County Ordinance. The question and answer module of ProcureNow OpenGov IS being utilized for this solicitation. Timely questions concerning this solicitation shall be submitted in accordance with the deadline for questions: Monday, November 20, 2023 at 5:00 pm EST. Respondents are instructed not to contact the initiating division directly. The Estimated Cost for this project is $580,000.00 bid bond less than 10% of the total estimated contract amount for base period




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2450 33rd St, Orlando, FL

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Cassady Building 2nd Floor Atrium Infill and Build Out

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