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Published November 2, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Manhattan Beach, California. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Online Q&A Yes Q&A Deadline 11/15/2023 11:00 AM (PDT) Start/Delivery Date January 2024 Project Duration 80-200 Days The City of Manhattan Beach is located within the southwestern coastal portion of Los Angeles County in what is commonly referred to locally as the South Bay area. The City is bounded on the north by El Segundo, on the east by Hawthorne, on the east and south by Redondo Beach, on the south by Hermosa Beach, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. The City is a beach community with approximately 2.1 miles of beachfront. The City has a total land area of 1,788 acres (3.88 square miles). The City is bound by Rosecrans Avenue on the north, Aviation Boulevard on the east, Artesia Boulevard on the south and the Pacific Ocean on the west. Sepulveda Boulevard (State Highway 1) runs north-south through the middle of the City. The City seeks an experienced consultant to assist the City with the inspection and special inspections for two upcoming capital improvement projects: Cycle 2 Water Infrastructure Improvement Project (Project No. W-671), and Santa Monica Bay TMDL HFCTTCD Project (Project No. SD-279). The City is the administering agency for the construction of this project. Consultant to work closely with Public Works staff to ensure that the Project(s) are executed in a timely manner. Specifically, the City is soliciting proposals for inspection services for hydrodynamic separator units, connector pipe screens, storm drain pipe installation, storm drain retrofits, reinforcement, and concrete forms, and source material inspections. In addition inspection of more typical right-of-way construction including, but not limited to, sidewalk, utility relocation/connection, driveways, non-signaled pedestrian crossing, curb and gutter, retaining wall, variable height curbs, landscape, irrigation, and signs. The projects are all in highly visible areas that range from Domestic Water Improvements to ADA Curb Ramp replacement. Responses to this RFP shall contain inspection fees itemized per Project with a Grand Total not-to-exceed Fee. The City reserves the right, to request additional information or clarifications from Proposers where it may serve the City's best interest. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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January 1, 2024


Multiple Locations, Manhattan Beach, CA

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