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Published December 28, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a residential development in Chelsea, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a residential development.

Window Replacement at Scrivano, Mace, and Margolis (Painting Sub-Bid Only) Estimated Cost $160,000 The CHELSEA HOUSING AUTHORITY, the Awarding Authority, invites sealed bids from Contractors for the Window Replacement at Scrivano, Mace, & Margolis at Margolis (16-4) 260 Clark Avenue, Chelsea, MA 02150 Mace (16-2) Clinton Court, Chelsea, MA 02150 Scrivano (16-1) Webster Court, Chelsea, MA 02150 The Project Consists of but Not Limited to: I Remove and Disposal of Existing Aluminum Windows and Associated Trim, Blocking and Finishes, as Specified in the Construction Documents. I Furnish and Install New Vinyl Windows With Associated Trim, Blocking and Finishes As Specified in the Construction Documents. Base Bid: 1,231 Openings Alternate 1: 226 Openings Alternate 2: 31 Openings interior Painting: Scope of Painting work is limited to INTERIOR painting only. Delete all references to Exterior Painting in Specifications or Drawings as applicable. Painting Filed Sub-bidder shall prepare and paint new interior wood trim as shown on drawings in Base Bid. See Unit Price for preparing and painting plaster patches. Paint System for Wood and Plaster shall be equal to Sherwin Williams PrepRite Primer and two (2) coats of Sherwin Williams ProMar 200 Zero VOC Interior Latex. 2. DP Rating for Vinyl Windows at Margolis: Minimum Design Pressure (DP) for Windows to be installed at Margolis shall be DP50. 3. Window Color: Vinyl window and hardware color to be based on "Almond" color from Harvey. Delete all references to "White" Windows. Architect to select from manufacturer standard colors for Or Equal Manufacturers. 4. Swing Staging: As clarification, the roof at Margolis is relatively new and still under manufacturer warranty (Tremco Roofing Products). If the General Contractor chooses to utilize "swing staging" or other staging which may impact the roof, they will be responsible for any necessary repairs. All repairs as required to be inspected and approved by Tremco to avoid risk of voiding warranty. 5. Panning for Window: Minimum gauge of metal panning shall be .080" (previously.085") UNIT PRICE NO. 1: Plaster Patching near windows to be replaced Base Bid Quantity: 400 Each (EA) Add: $150.00 / EA Deduct: $125.00 / EA Description: Remove existing deteriorated board/plaster and patch as required (up to 3 SF per location). Plaster Patching: Shall be carried in the base bid of the Blueboard and Plaster 092000 Filed Sub-Bidder Each location is defined as up to 3 SF. Therefore, we may have an individual location around a window with a quantity of more than 1 Unit (5 SF of patching at a window would be considered 2 locations). All 400 locations shall be included in the base bid. No additional quantities should be carried for the Alternates. Painter will be responsible for paint preparation and plaster patching unit price will not be used for minor surface preparation required by painting Subcontractor as specified in section 099000. UNIT PRICE NO. 2: Touch up Painting at Patching Base Bid Quantity: 400 Each (EA) Add: $50.00 / EA Deduct: $35.00 / EA Description: Touch-up paint for walls where plaster patching is required. Note: CHA will provide CHA standard paint color codes for matching. Painting will be done as touch-up in the area where patch is completed and painting of the entire wall will not be required. UNIT PRICE NO. 3: Window Fall Protection Base Bid Quantity: 600 Each (EA) Add: $10.00 / EA Deduct: $8.00 / EA Description: Unit Price No. 3 (Remove existing window fall protection). General Contractor shall remove existing window fall protection guards from existing 2nd floor locations at Scrivano and Mace. Remove units by removing screws and turning over units and hardware to the Housing Authority.

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Residential Subdivision


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Multiple Locations, Chelsea, MA

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