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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Harahan, Louisiana. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The current operation consists of municipal solid waste collection for the City of Harahan. Current services include twice per week collection of Containerized Solid Waste from Residential Units and Small Business Units using 95-gallon tipper carts provided by the contractor and other Carts, and once per week collection of Bulk Waste material from Residential Units. Small Business units receiving curbside collection from the City of Harahan are not eligible for Bulk Waste collection. Also included for Residential Units is the Collection of limited White Goods, Waste Tires, limited Construction Debris and Yard Waste. According to records of the City of Harahan for a recent month there were 4,233 Solid Waste Service Units under the existing contract. Service Unit counts vary slightly from month to month and serve as the basis for monthly billing. Based upon recent tonnage reports from the current contractor, City of Harahan estimates 5,360 tons of annual collection. Other services provided include the collection of smaller dead animals as encountered or requested by the City of Harahan or Service Units, from public roads, right-of-way's, curbside and on public property. Dead animals may be comingled with solid waste or collected separately. Collection operations also include a special separate curbside collection of Christmas trees from Residential Units. The Selected Proposer shall be required to provide and maintain a Performance (surety) Bond in the amount of fifty percent (50%) of the proposed annual contract price to City of Harahan to ensure the successful performance of the contract in accordance with the negotiated terms and conditions of the parties, and on a form and containing such content as approved by City of Harahan. The Selected Proposer acknowledges and agrees that the Performance Bond may be forfeited for Selected The City of Harahan reserves the right to deviate from these dates.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Harahan, LA

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