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Published January 25, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Watford City, North Dakota. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

Furnishing of materials, labor, equipment and skill required for the construction of Grading, Aggregate Base Course, Hot Mix Asphalt, Milling, Storm Sewer, Curb & Gutter, Sidewalk, ADA Improvements, Lighting, and incidental items in and for said City of Watford City, as is more fully described and set forth in the plans and specifications therefore, which are now on file in the office of the Watford City Auditor. Est. Completion Date: Oct. 25, 2024 Street Lighting / Streetlight Improvements, Water Utilities, Roadway Lighting, Aggregate, Sidewalks/Curbs/Gutters, Asphalt Overlay, Rehab. and/or Maint., Sewer and Water Construction, ADA Curb Ramps, Grade and Surface, Curbs, Water/Wastewater Infrastructure, Grubbing & Clearing, Traffic Control/Flagging, Electrical, Paving (Asphalt or Concrete) CONTRACT BOND, 1 L SUM; CLEARING & GRUBBING, 1 L SUM; REMOVAL OF CURB & GUTTER, 758 LF; REMOVAL OF PAVEMENT, 15149 SY; REMOVAL OF CULVERTS-ALL TYPES & SIZES, 269 LF; COMMON EXCAVATION-TYPE A, 4401 CY; TOPSOIL, 1847 CY; COMMON EXCAVATION-WASTE, 1855 CY; TOPSOIL-IMPORTED, 347 CY; SUBGRADE PREPARATIONTYPE A-12IN, 20.5 STA; SEEDING CLASS II, 2.757 ACRE; HYDRAULIC MULCH, 2.757 ACRE; ECB TYPE 3, 84 SY; RIPRAP GRADE II, 57 TON; FIBER ROLLS 12IN, 1967 LF; REMOVE FIBER ROLLS 12IN, 200 LF; AGGREGATE BASE COURSE CL 5, 3110 CY; MILLING PAVEMENT SURFACE, 4865 SY; SUPERPAVE FAA 45, 3245 TON; PG 58H-34 ASPHALT CEMENT, 195 TON; MOBILIZATION, 1 L SUM; TRAFFIC CONTROL, 1 L SUM; INLET PROTECTION-SPECIAL, 8 EA; REMOVE INLET PROTECTION-SPECIAL, 8 EA; GEOSYNTHETIC MATERIAL TYPE G, 8562 SY; GEOSYNTHETIC MATERIAL TYPE RR, 77 SY; TEMPORARY BYPASS, 1 L SUM; PIPE CONC REINF 18IN CL III-STORM DRAIN, 158 LF; PIPE CONC REINF 24IN CL III-STORM DRAIN, 375 LF; PIPE CONC REINF 36IN CL III-STORM DRAIN, 408 LF; PIPE CONC REINF 42IN CL III-STORM DRAIN, 59 LF; PIPE CONC REINF ARCH 44IN X 27IN CL III, 395 LF; END SECT-CONC REINF 30IN, 1 EA; END SECT-CONC REINF 36IN, 1 EA; END SECT-CONC REINF 42IN, 1 EA; PIPE CONDUIT 18IN-APPROACH, 51 LF; PIPE CONDUIT 24IN-APPROACH, 55 LF; PIPE CONDUIT 30IN, 176 LF; END SECT CORR STEEL .064IN 18IN, 2 EA; END SECT CORR STEEL .064IN 24IN, 2 EA; MANHOLE 48IN, 1 EA; MANHOLE 60IN, 4 EA; MANHOLE 72IN, 1 EA; MANHOLE 84IN, 1 EA; MANHOLE RISER 48IN, 2.83 LF; MANHOLE RISER 60IN, 14.35 LF; MANHOLE RISER 72IN, 6.13 LF; MANHOLE RISER 84IN, 3.57 LF; INLET-TYPE 2 DOUBLE, 4 EA; INLET SPECIAL-TYPE 2 72IN, 3 EA; INLET SPECIAL-TYPE 2 84IN, 1 EA; INLET CATCH BASIN, 1 EA; ADJUST GATE VALVE BOX, 5 EA; ADJUST MANHOLE, 8 EA; CURB & GUTTER-TYPE I, 4538 LF; VALLEY GUTTER 36IN, 257 SY; DRIVEWAY CONCRETE 8IN, 840 SY; FLAT SHEET FOR SIGNS-TYPE XI REFL SHEETING, 52.4 SF; STEEL GALV POSTS-TELESCOPING PERFORATED TUBE, 130 LF; RESET SIGN PANEL, 2 EA; RESET SIGN SUPPORT, 2 EA; PVMT MK PAINTED 24IN LINE, 100 LF; MAILBOX-ALL TYPES, 2 EA; MANHOLE CASTING HAALA CG30TM GRATE, 1 EA; MANHOLE CASTING HAALA CG36TM GRATE, 1 EA; Bid Option 1: LIGHTING SYSTEM A, EA 1; Bid Option 2: AGGREGATE BASE COURSE CL 5, CY 165; SIDEWALK CONCRETE, SY 1275; DETECTABLE WARNING PANELS, SF 132. All questions about the meaning or intent of the Bidding Documents are to be submitted to Engineer in writing. Question Deadline 11/14/2023


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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Multiple Locations, Watford City, ND

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