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Published November 3, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Logansport, Indiana. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Bid shall be on the form prescribed by the Indiana State Board of Accounts and shall contain such statements as are required by law. A Bond or Certified Check in the amount of at least 10% of the bid shall be filed with each bid. The bid shall state the number to be furnished as well as the date of delivery and price per unit. The Board of Public Works and Safety reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids. Dated in Logansport, Indiana, on this 17th day of October, 2023. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS & SAFETY CITY OF LOGANSPORT Chris Martin, Mayor Jacob Pomasl, Deputy Mayor BJ Cox, Member ATTEST: Duane Ullom City Clerk-Treasurer LOGANSPORT STREET DEPARTMENT BIDS FOR 2024 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES Item 1 50,000 gallons or less bituminous materials meeting Indiana State Highway Standard Specifications, Sec. 406, furnished and applied on the streets of Logansport, IN in distributor load or truck transport road. Lots as ordered by the street department. Bituminous materials to be furnished with additive when requested. Statement of compliance with Indiana State Highway Specifications to be furnished with each load at contractor's expense, when requested. Modern distributor with full circulating dripless spray bar to be used. Item 2. 5,000 tons or less of type B surface for alley paving. Alleys to be paved at a minimum of 9 feet wide. The city will grade and level in preparation for paving. The bidder will roll said alleys prior to paving with a 10 tons steel wheel roller. Item 3. 50,000 tons or less, hot asphaltic concrete, Indiana State Highway Standard Specifications, Sec. 402, base binder and surface furnished, delivered, spread and rolled in place on city streets. Contractor shall provide automatic paver and two (2) steel wheel rollers, weighing not less than ten (10) tons each with necessary operator, contractor shall provide all equipment, operator, laborers and foreman to lay, roll and finish the hot asphaltic mixture. The contractor shall provide transportation for materials for mix to job site.


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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November 15, 2023

December 15, 2023


Multiple Locations, Logansport, IN

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