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Published December 6, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Coudersport, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 4,635-square-foot, one-story above grade municipal facility.

The intent of this project is to install a new membrane roof on the Game Commission Crew Headquarters Building S.B. 641 Hebron Township, Potter County. The project consists of removing the existing membrane roof and insulation panels on main building and installing new insulation panels a new membrane roof on main building roof. Installation of new metal edging/flashing/fascia is also included in the project. Replacement of damaged and/or deteriorated blocking may be necessary. 1.2 - WORK AREA The work area for this project is located at 660 Castle Hollow Road, Coudersport, PA 16915. The property is owned by the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC). Questions concerning project specifications and requirements should be directed to Austin Kieffer, P.E., PGC Engineering Division at 717-787-4250, ext. 73613. Any questions concerning completion of the electronic bid should be directed to PGC-Contracts and Procurement Division at 717-787-6594. A. General - The existing roof is a membrane layer over a minimum 2-inch-thick insulation panels on top of corrugated metal deck panels. Wood (dimension lumber and plywood) pieces are attached to the metal deck panels around the edges of the roof. Fascia is secured to the wood. Refer to the "Existing Roof Section" on the Drawing. Contactor is to field verify existing conditions, including number of insulation panel layers, thickness, etc. and match proposed to existing condition. B. Remove Existing Roof - Remove the existing roof in sections. The section to be removed must be able to have the new roof installed the same day to protect the interior of the building. At the end of each workday, all aspects of roof must be weathertight, and no water may be able to enter the interior of the building. Remove every component of the existing roof down to the corrugated metal deck panels. Patch screw holes in the deck panels with caulking. C. Disposal - Dispose of the removed roof components in a landfill according to DEP regulations. Use a magnet to sweep the ground surfaces around the building for screws and other metal pieces. Duration: Upon award through 6/30/2024 CONTRACT TERM - The Contract shall commence upon delivery of Purchase Order to Contractor (date estimated to be December 15, 2023) and shall terminate on June 30, 2024. Contract time is of the essence of the Project. All Work must be completed and accepted by this date. A Performance Bond at one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract in accordance with the plans, specifications, and conditions of the contract. A Payment Bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount The Commonwealth reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive technical defects in bids and to accept or reject any part of the bid deemed in the best interests of the Commonwealth. Except as otherwise provided by law, award will be made to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. A Purchase Order will be generated at the time of award without further input from the successful bidder. Awarded vendor will be sent a copy of this document and no work will be authorized until the vendor is in receipt of the Purchase Order.

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660 Castle Hollow Rd, Coudersport, PA

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23 WHM SGL 204 SB 641 Roof Replacement

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