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Published December 27, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Grays Knob, Kentucky. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Provide and install wall-mounted, electrically powered telescopic gym style seating (bleachers) in the Appalachian Challenge Academy (ACA) gymnasium where the original bleachers have previously been removed. Design and installation must comply with the requirements of the current edition of the Kentucky Building Code (KBC), for review, approval and inspection. Any and all permits must be applied for and obtained prior to beginning the work. When a registered design professional is required, per the Kentucky Building Code, the requirements of KRS 322 and 323 shall apply. Applicable Special Inspections required by the Kentucky Building Code shall be made as required. Acceptable manufacturers include Hussey, Irwin, Interkal or approved equal. Provide the following: 1. One (1) bank of seating 74'-0" long with right hand railed end; (7) tiers high with (289) net seating capacity; seat depth to be a minimum of 10". Designed to support a 600-pound load. 2. Reinforced, durable high impact polyethylene plastic modular seating (no seat backs) with minimum 16-1/2" adult seat height 3. Modules constructed of one-piece injection molded high strength polyethylene. The molded-in solid color will be selected from the manufacturer's standard colors. 4. Center handrails and swing up floor and intermediate steps to meet KBC with end rail at open right hand end of bank 5. End curtain installed at open right-hand end of bank. 6. Bleachers to be electrically operated with single phase power; power is available at an existing electrical panel in a room adjacent to the gymnasium. Hard-wired controller to have at a minimum open and close features. 7. During the first twelve (12) calendar months following the date of Substantial Completion, the Contractor shall provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to correct defects in the Work Permits, Licenses, Taxes and Commonwealth Registration The Design-Builder shall procure all necessary work permits and licenses and abide by all applicable laws, regulations, and ordinances of all Federal, State, and local governments in which work under this contract is performed. The Design-Builder shall maintain certification of authority to conduct business in the Commonwealth of Kentucky during the term of this contract. Such registration is obtained from the Secretary of State, who will also provide the certification thereof. However, the Design-Builder need not be registered as a prerequisite for responding to the RFP. Additional local registration or license may be required. The Design-Builder shall pay any sales, use, and personal property taxes arising out of this contract and the transaction contemplated hereby. Any other taxes levied upon this contract, the transaction, or the equipment or services delivered pursuant hereto shall be borne by the Design-Builder. All questions, comments, concerning the procurement process, etc., or this RFP, shall only be directed to: Amanda Greer, Statewide Procurement Analyst II, Amanda.Greer@ky.gov, Phone: (502) 330-8159. Questions regarding technical issues shall be directed in writing to the Purchasing Officer ONLY. All answers to technical questions will be issued by addendum only a. The Commonwealth reserves the right to accept and/or reject any and all proposals. For the same reason, the Commonwealth reserves the right to waive what it determines to be any technicality or minor irregularity in any proposal. The Commonwealth also reserves the right to clarify any irregularities or conflicts contained in this RFP. b. All proposals will be subject to negotiation. Both the Design-Builder and the Commonwealth promise to negotiate in good faith. The Commonwealth may exercise its rights to recover the incurred expenses for consultants and legal services as damages if it determines negotiations were not undertaken in good faith. c. The Commonwealth may cancel this Request for Proposal, in whole or in part, at any time, without penalty




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465 Grays Branch Rd, Grays Knob, KY

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