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Published March 21, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Port Orange, Florida. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Port Orange is requesting Qualification Statements from professional surveying firms to provide multi-department, city wide surveying services, plat review, elevation certificates and other related surveying services. All questions shall be directed in writing to Chip Kent, Purchasing Agent, at ckent@port-orange.org and purchdiv@port-orange.org and reference in the subject line. Last day for questions will be November 10, 2023 at 5:00 P.M. EST. The City of Port Orange is soliciting qualification statements from qualified firms for a continuing services master contract for professional surveying services. The City of Port Orange, pursuant to and in compliance with the Competitive Consultants Negotiation Act, Florida Statutes 287, Section 287.055, is seeking Letters of Interest, Statements of Qualifications, and technical proposals from qualified professional individuals and/or firms interested in providing surveying services for the City of Port Orange for preparation of a variety of projects being administered by various City departments. The surveyor(s) must provide and/or perform professional surveying services that meet the minimum technical standards as set forth by Fla. Admin. Code Rules. 5J-17.050, 5J-17.051, and 5J-17.052, regulated and adopted by Sec. 472.027, Florida Statutes. Work will normally be under the direction of the Community Development Director or their assigned designee. However, it is intended that other departments within the City may utilize the master contract. The City will select a minimum of three, and up to five firms who can provide the services or tasks outlined in the scope of services. The scope of such professional surveying service to be provided and/or performed by the surveyor may include but not necessarily limited to providing and/or performing such services or tasks as: a. Property or Right-Of-Way Surveys - for use in acquiring or conveying property or Rights-Of-Way by purchase or condemnation and for the preparation of property acquisition or conveyance documents, to include related legal descriptions. b. Preparation of metes and bound legal description for annexation or other such purposes, and preparation of updated legal descriptions of the municipal corporate limits in conjunction with annexations. c. Topographical Surveys - for use by in-house design professionals and others as the basis for the development of maps, plans and designs for construction projects. d. Tree Surveys - for use in providing support documentation for construction project plans review and plans permitting. e. Easements - signed, sealed sketches and legal descriptions for use in acquiring or granting easement rights, and for the preparation of other easement agreement documents, to include related legal descriptions. f. Construction Surveys - for use in the layout and staking construction projects, or for the verification of compliance with contract document requirements with respect to the horizontal and/or vertical locations of construction work done by contractors. g. Excavation/Borrow Material Quantity Surveys - for use in determining the quantities of excavated or borrow material or the quantities of backfill or stored materials involving sub-surface, subaqueous or above ground materials. h. Re-establishment of Property Boundaries and Monuments - for use in verifying, identifying, or reestablishing the location of property boundaries, corners, lines, or monuments. i. Control of Aerial Surveying - for use in establishing horizontal and vertical ground control for aerial surveying to be done by others, or for field verifications of the accuracy of aerial surveying documents prepared by others. j. Legal support Services or Testimony - for use in property or right-of- way condemnation proceedings; construction contract materials quantification dispute resolution; or other legal issues relating to public property easements, construction layout, boundary establishment or monumentation. k. As built Surveys, including topographic features, horizontal and vertical locations, elevations, etc. of physical features constructed under a specific project contract. l. Serve in the capacity as the City Surveyor for review and recordation of plats in accordance with Florida Statutes, Chapter 177. m. Elevation Certificates - for use in obtaining Flood Insurance for City properties and/or compliance with NFIP requirements. n. Other Services - such as professional surveying services as may be required in the planning and development of designs for construction projects, or for the administration of construction projects, or for the resolution of claims or disputes involving property boundaries or construction project layout or material quantities. Scope of Work means a description of the work activities, deliverables, and/or timeline that a Respondent must execute in terms of delivering specific commodities or in performance of contractual services.



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November 27, 2024


Multiple Locations, Port Orange, FL

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