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Demolition, site work and asbestos abatement for a residential development in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the demolition of a residential development; for site work for a residential development; and for asbestos abatement for a residential development.

The City of Milwaukee Department of Neighborhood Services contracts for the razing and removal of various types of buildings. In 2024, DNS plans to refer at least 80 properties to the department of public works for demolition. Prior to demolition and/or deconstruction of the structures, DNS will contract for the abatement of all regulated asbestos and/or other hazardous materials including but not limited to universal wastes requiring special removal techniques that may be present in each building. Proposals are being solicited from qualified firms to perform the abatement as required for each property. The abatement will entail removal of suspect material on both the interior and exterior of each property for asbestos, solid hazardous wastes, stored hazardous materials, and universal waste as identified by a pre-demolition inspection provided by the city of Milwaukee. The abatement contractor will be responsible for supplying the City of Milwaukee and its designee with a written report indicating compliance with DNR procedures for asbestos notification and abatement as regulated by DNR form 4500-113 and verification of removal and proper disposal of any regulated hazardous materials found on the property. Lead abatement is not part of this contract. The department must receive disposal manifest and other documentation supporting the proper abatement and disposal of ACM impacted areas as well as documentation supporting proper removal of other hazardous materials each in a separate type-written or electronically submitted report. The successful proposer will be awarded a 12-month contract. The contract may be extended for three additional 12-month periods at the option of the Department. If the contract should be renewed after its initial one-year term, the rate of payment shall be increased effective the first day on any such renewal term in the ratio that the Milwaukee Consumer Price Index has changed from the initial date of the contract or from the date of the last rate adjustment. Successful Proposer (contractor) will be given a copy of the pre-demolition inspection report and be required to inspect each referred property and return a cost of project summary within 3 business days to the Department of Neighborhood Services. During the pre-abatement inspection, contractor will be responsible for determining and verifying the materials listed in the pre-demolition inspection report as well as determining the presence of reasonably assumed materials such as pipe or duct runs in walls or ceiling areas. Contractor must note the presence, type and quantity of any additional or discovered materials in the Cost of Project Summary sheet for each parcel. Parcels will be referred to contractor for abatement by the Department after review and approval of Contractors Cost of Project Summary. Project prices will be final and binding based on Contractors Cost of Project summary. Contractor will be required to file DNR Permit 4500 within 2 business days of written referral for abatement from the City for each parcel, listing City of Milwaukee, Department of City Development as owner of property. Cost of filing must be included in Contractors Cost of Project for each parcel. Contractor will be required to obtain an abatement permit from the Department of Neighborhood Services prior to commencing abatement for each parcel. Cost of permit must be included in Contractors Cost of Project for each parcel. Permit fees do not apply to City of Milwaukee owned parcels. Contractor will be required to commence and complete abatement activities and deliver a written report, which must include a copy of the DNR permit 4500, of abatement activities to the Department within the time specified by Proposer in the Cost of Services section of this request for proposals. All abatement activities must be performed in strict accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Companys Resume With Training and Experience Must Be Submitted With the Proposal.Proposal Including Non-collusion Affidavit Must Be Submitted in a Sealed Envelope With RFP Due . Proposals must be dropped off in the secure drop box labeled Demo Bids & Decon RFPs outside of Room 105 at 841 North Broadway. Any proposals deposited in the wrong location or received after that time may be rejected and returned unopened. As part of the Proposal, each Proposer shall submit a full and complete list of all the proposed subcontractors and the class of work to be performed by each, which list shall not be altered without the written consent of the Commissioner Contractor will be responsible at its own cost for properly re-securing all openings where abatement activity causes the removal of doors, windows, wall panels or components thereof. Liquidated damages of $100 per day may be assessed in cases where Contractor fails to meet abatement turnaround time as provided in proposal documents and/or fails to and return a cost of project summary within 3 business days. Questions May Be E-mailed to Chris Kraco at Before Tuesday, November 21, 2023, 10:00 a.m. Questions and Responses to All Questions Will Be Sent by 3:00 P.m., November 21, 2023 to Any Proposer or Interested Party Who Submits an Email to Before Tuesday, November 21, 2023, 2:00 P.m. With "Asbestos Abatement RFP Questions in the Subject Line. Award will be made to the most qualified, responsive and responsible contractor as outlined in the Request for Proposals. All proposals shall be held open for a period of 60 days subsequent to the opening of proposals and no proposal may be withdrawn without the written consent of the Commissioner. The Commissioner reserves the right to reject any and all proposals at any time, if it is in the best interests of the City, and to waive any informalities in the proposals


Residential Subdivision


Public - City

Asbestos Abatement, Demolition, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Multiple Locations, Wauwatosa, WI

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