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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Tacoma, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Port of Tacoma is a major center for container cargo, bulk, break-bulk, autos, and heavy-lift cargo. Created by Pierce County citizens in 1918, the Port has become one of the largest container ports in North America and one of the top 50 in the world. The Port manages a diverse set of business operations relating to maritime trade. The Port anticipates awarding at least one (1) Category A on-call contract(s), and up to two (2) Category B on-call contracts for a total of up to four (4) on-call contracts. The period of performance of the contract is two (2) years from the execution of the contract, with an option to extend for two (2) additional one-year (1) terms to provide related services as required. Any contract awarded from this RFQ is subject to Port of Tacoma Commission approval. The Port will issue a request for proposal for each task order which will define the work being requested. The Consultant will be expected to meet with the Port to discuss new task orders being issued under this contract and then submit a fee proposal and schedule to the Project Manager. The Port may apply for federal funding for various phases of the On-Call SEPA, NEPA and Environmental Permitting Services. Therefore, the contract that results from the RFQ and various work packages will be subject to the Federal Terms and Conditions of each grant. See Attachment C for the generic Federal Terms and Conditions, which may be updated per each grant. Tasks may be performed on federally funded work and the selected consultant(s) will be subjected to any federal terms and conditions for and federal forms as required for that specific task order. Other grant reimbursement task orders may also be issued, and all requirements will be negotiated at the time of task order negotiation and execution. The Ports Standard Terms and Conditions are included with the Sample Professional Services Agreement (Attachment B). By submitting a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ), the Proposer represents that it has carefully read and agrees to be bound by the Ports Standard Terms and Conditions. Identify during the question submittal and response period, any sections you consider onerous, clarify why you consider these sections onerous, propose alternative language and describe why it is in the Ports best interests to adopt the alternative language. The primary focus of this contract is to provide the studies, analyses, and other documentation needed to complete the SEPA and NEPA processes and environmental permit application requirements for future Port development, maintenance, or other construction projects as well as provide regulatory analysis in support SEPA, NEPA and environmental permitting requirements. Services to be provided under this contract are listed under the following two (2) Categories which may be contracted separately. Teams shall clearly state in the cover letter which category A. Limited Scope of Services for In-Water Work or B. Full Scope of Services) the team is submitting qualifications for. Category A - Limited In-Water Work Scope: Award up to Two (2) On-Call contracts The Category A Scope of Services may include, but is not limited to, the following tasks: o SEPA/NEPA studies, analyses, and documentation o Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Applications (JARPAs) in support of: o US Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 and Section 10 permits o Clean Water Act Section 401 water quality certifications and coastal zone management act consistency o Hydraulic Project Approvals (HPA) o Endangered Species Act compliance, marine mammal protection act, and marine mammal monitoring o Biological assessments or evaluations including use of relevant calculators o Shoreline substantial development permits o Wetland, aquatic, and critical areas permits including, aquatic habitat evaluation, delineation, and mitigation measures o Regulatory analyses in support of the above o Additional other miscellaneous tasks generally associated with the tasks outlined above. Category B - Full Scope of Services: Award up to three (3) on-call contracts The Category B Scope of Services may include, but is not limited to, the following tasks: o All Items listed above, under Category "A" and the following: o Non-wetland/marine critical areas permits o Transportation and traffic data collection, analysis, and modeling (rail, road, and marine) o Transportation/traffic mitigation measures o Dredge material management program implementation (planning, analysis, reporting, management, etc.) o Geologic, hydrogeologic, and geotechnical evaluation o Site and material characterization (site assessment, soil or water quality investigation, waste material characterization, etc.) o Hazardous building materials survey and support o Air emissions estimates and modeling and other support o Environmental planning and associated socio-economic impact analysis, including housing, jobs, and related public services o Historic, archeological, and cultural preservation including surveys, plans, reports, negotiation support, on-site monitoring and inadvertent discovery support o Updates and analysis of environmental regulatory changes or proposals for modification o Stormwater analysis, engineering, and support o Training to Port personnel on environmental regulations, permit development strategies, compliance issues, and other areas of interest. o Conceptual and Strategic planning for permitting and SEPA/NEPA compliance where multiple agencies and stakeholders are involved. o Land use and conceptual site planning support o Outreach planning and assistance to inform and engage stakeholders in appropriate steps of the permitting and environmental review process. o Additional other miscellaneous permitting and environmental support tasks generally associated SEPA and NEPA processes and environmental permit application requirements or in support of the Port's Environmental Programs. The primary focus of this contract is to provide the studies, analyses, and other documentation needed to complete the SEPA and NEPA processes and environmental permit application requirements for future Port development, maintenance, or other construction projects as well as provide regulatory analysis in support SEPA, NEPA and environmental permitting requirements. All proposals submitted shall be valid and binding on the submitting firm for a period of ninety (90) days following the submittal deadline and for any extension of time granted by the submitting firm. Last Day to Submit Questions NOVEMBER 14, 2023 @ 2:00 PM (PST) Review/Shortlist* DECEMBER 13, 2023 Interviews (if required) * DECEMBER 15, 2023 Final Selection* DECEMBER 19, 2023 Execute Contract* JANUARY 4, 2024 The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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January 4, 2024


Multiple Locations, Tacoma, WA

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