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Site work for a municipal facility in Riverside, California. Completed plans call for site work for a municipal facility.

**As of March 04 2024, this project has been awarded to FS Contractors, Inc, awarded amount not available.** Provide all labor, materials, transportation, and services necessary to furnish and install irrigation systems as shown on the drawings and described herein. Payment Bond 0.00% Online Q&A Yes Q&A Deadline 01/24/2024 4:00 PM (PST) The Work includes the grubbing and clearing of certain plantings and renovating the SAWPA grounds with new landscape and irrigation system upgrades. The project consists of providing all labor, materials, and equipment required to construct the landscape and irrigation renovations depicted in the Approved Plans entitled, "Irrigation Replacement and Landscape Refresh" The project includes but is not limited to furnishing and installing all materials and appurtenances, and all equipment and labor required to construct the work depicted on the Approved Plans and described herein. The Work shall generally consist of grubbing and clearing of understory plantings and select trees within the corporate office facility. The irrigation system shall be upgraded and new landscape plantings to be provided, along with rock mulch and decomposed granite refresh along pathways and lunch area. The work is located within the SAWPA corporate office located at 11615 Sterling Avenue in Riverside, California. A meeting will take place so that the bids may be opened and read aloud. Any bids received after the specified time and date will not be opened or considered. The Work includes the grubbing and clearing of certain plantings and renovating the SAWPA grounds with new landscape and irrigation system upgrades. The Work shall be fully completed in all respects within the number of days set forth in the Agreement. The Owner shall not be responsible for non-receipt of any questions, clarifications, comments, or any other communications. A complete Bid submittal consists of completed and executed forms contained in the Bid Forms section of the Bidding Documents. Return of the entire Bidding Document for the Bid Opening is neither required nor encouraged. The Bid Bond, included in the Bid Forms, must be completed, attached to the Bid and payable to the Owner in an amount not less than 10 percent of the total amount of the Bid. The Successful Bidder will be required to furnish the necessary additional Bonds and Certificates for the faithful performance of the Work, as prescribed in the Contract Documents. Each Bidder must be licensed in the State of California and qualified to perform the Work described in the Approved Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents. Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 3300, the Contractor must possess a C-27 license at the time that Bid Proposals are opened. Failure to possess such a License shall render any bid submitted as nonresponsive. Before a contract will be awarded for the Work contemplated herein, the Owner will conduct such investigation as is necessary to determine the performance record and ability of the apparent low Bidder to perform the size and type of work specified under this contract. Upon request and as required in these Contract Documents, the Bidder shall submit such information as deemed necessary by the Owner to determine that the Bidder is responsive and responsible. The Contractor shall comply with California Labor Code and shall post a copy of the prevailing wages at the jobsite. In accordance with California Public Code Section 3400, the Contractor shall have thirty-four (34) days after Notice of Award is issued for submission of data substantiating a request for substitution of an "or equal" product. The Contractor shall comply (and have a history of compliance) with the Executive Order 11246 entitled "Equal Employment Opportunity" as amended, and as supplemented in Department of Labor regulations (41 CFR Part 60). Payment for the Work accomplished will be made upon completion and acceptance of the Work by the Owner. Owner reserves the right to reject all Bids or any Bid not conforming to the intent and purpose of the Bidding Documents. Owner reserves the right to postpone award of the contract(s) for a period of time without affecting the price bid; however, the Notice of Award shall not be delayed beyond 90 days from the Bid opening date. The Project consists of grubbing and clearing of certain plantings and renovating the SAWPA grounds with new landscape and irrigation system upgrades. The Project is located on the SAWPA campus at 11615 Sterling Avenue, Riverside, CA 92503. Work shall be fully completed within 180 calendar days, which includes the 90-day post installation maintenance period. The engineer estimate is $190,203.




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January 31, 2024

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11615 Sterling Ave, Riverside, CA

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