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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Wethersfield, Connecticut. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Proposers must submit four (4) print copies of their proposal and one (1) digital copy in PDF format. The Town reserves the right to reject any proposal deemed not to be in its best interest and waive minor technicalities. Postmarks, faxes, and email proposals will not be considered. The Town reserves the right to reject any or all proposals in whole or part, to award any one service or group of services or all services, to negotiate with any or all companies submitting proposals, and to enter into an agreement with any vendor for any services mentioned in this RFP, if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the Town. Proposals may be held by the Town of Wethersfield for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days from the date of the opening for the purpose of reviewing the proposals and investigating the qualifications of the bidder prior to awarding the contract. The consultant will work with the Town of Wethersfield to prepare and adopt an Affordable Housing Plan under the provisions of 8-30j of the Connecticut General Statutes. Services will include, but may not necessarily be limited to the following: 1. Review of Town regulations, planning documents, demographic, and housing market related data. 2. Perform analysis and evaluate areas within the community that may be able to support a variety of housing densities. 3. Develop an Affordable Housing Plan that meets the needs of the Town of Wethersfield and complies with 8-30j of the Connecticut General Statutes and PA 23-137, Section 55*. The plan should include: a. Recommended goals to provide housing options and opportunities necessary to support a healthy and sustainable community b. Recommend strategies to accomplish these goals c. Recommend implementation measures to initiate and carry out the strategies successfully d. Specify how the Town will improve affordable housing unit accessibility for people with an intellectual disability or other developmental disabilities. e. The consultant shall utilize and reference all guidance documents provided by the State of Connecticut Department of Housing regarding the preparation of an Affordable Housing Plan. f. In addition to assistance at the public hearing on the final Affordable Housing Plan, the consultant shall conduct and facilitate two public input meetings: 1) To present the housing analysis and identify options, and 2) Present the draft plan. The Town of Wethersfield reserves the right to modify or expand the Scope of Services in a manner that best serves the interest of the Town. Responders shall submit four (4) print copies of the proposal and a digital version of all materials should be submitted in a sealed envelope. Question Deadline November 17, 2023 All inquiries relative to the conditions and specifications listed herein as well as clarification of any information contained in the RFP must be made to: Julie Gerace, Finance Department, at no later than. An electronic copy of this request for proposals, along with any addenda, will be posted on the Town of Wethersfield website It is the respondent's obligation to visit the web page for any addenda.



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December 8, 2024


Multiple Locations, Wethersfield, CT

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