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Published November 9, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for an educational facility in Brimfield, Illinois. Completed plans call for site work for a educational facility; and for paving for a educational facility.

IDNR is seeking a Vendor to complete repairs of two park road locations at Jubilee College State Park. Please refer to the Scope of Work and attachments for more details. Location: Jubilee College State Park 13921 W. Rt. 150 Brimfield, Il 61517 Peoria County Project Title: Campground Pavement and Concrete Gutter Repairs Project Narrative: The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (Idnr) is Seeking Bids to Complete Repairs of Two Park Road Locations at Jubilee College State Park in Peoria County. The First Location is an Area of Failed Asphalt Pavement in Need of Full Depth Patching on the East Campground Road at Its Intersection With W. Fussner Rd. the Second Area is Located Towards the East End of W. Fussner Rd., Where a Section of Concrete Gutter Type B (Modified) Along the Road is Falling Away From the Pavement, Causing the Water to Erode the Pavement and Undermine the Gutter. Scope of Work: The Work at the Campground Pavement Location Requires the Full-depth Removal and Replacement of Roughly 1340 Square Feet of Existing Pavement (Hma and Subbase) to Install 4" of Hot Mix Asphalt and 12" of Subbase Granular Material. An Additional Roughly 525 Square Feet of Existing Hma Pavement Adjacent to the Patch Will Be Removed and Replaced, With the Existing Aggregate Base Regraded & Shaped Prior to Installing 4" of Hot Mix Asphalt. The Existing Material Removed Will Be Hauled Off Site. The Work at the Gutter Replacement Location Requires the Removal of 54' of Type B Gutter, the Existing Storm Structure and Frame/grate, Seven Wooden Guardrail Posts, 60' of Wood Guardrail, and a Portion of the Existing Pavement. Installation of a New Inlet Special With Combination Frame and Grate, 54' of Gutter, Hot Mix Asphalt Surface and Concrete Base Course of Pavement, Seven New Posts for Guardrail, and Reinstallation of the 60' of Wood Guardrail. Attachments: The Following Documents Are Included: 1) Location Map and Site Photos 2) Campground Pavement Proposed Plan Drawing 3) Gutter Replacement Attachments A. Existing Gutter Drawing B. Proposed Gutter Drawing C. Standard Detail for Inlet Special D. Standard Detail for Combination Inlet Frame, Grate, Curb Box E. Existing Concrete Gutter, Type B (Modified) Detail F. Existing Guardrail Details Project Specifications: Campground Pavement Location: This work shall be performed in accordance with Section 202, 311, 406 and 701 of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction adopted January 1, 2022, and as stated in these specifications and the details in the attachments. This work shall consist of all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to complete the excavation of the section A shown on the drawing, and installation of 9" of CA-02 and 3" of CA-06 for the Subbase Granular Material with 2 1/2 " of Hot-Mix Asphalt Binder Course, IL-19.0, N50 and 1 1/2 " of Hot-Mix Asphalt Surface Course, IL - 9.5FG, Mix "C", N50. Also, it shall consist of all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to complete the removal of the existing HMA pavement and grade & shape the existing aggregate base, and installation of 2 1/2 " of Hot-Mix Asphalt Binder Course, IL-19.0, N50 and 1 1/2 " of Hot-Mix Asphalt Surface Course, IL - 9.5FG, Mix "C", N50 for the section B shown on the drawing. Excavated material must be disposed of off IDNR Property per EPA requirements. The subbase granular material and HMA must be compacted per IDOT requirements. This will include any traffic control and protection needed. Gutter Replacement Location: This work shall be performed in accordance with Section 202, 352, 353, 406, 442, 508, 593, 602, 604, 606, 634 and 701 of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction adopted January 1, 2022, and as stated in these specifications and the details in the attachments. This work shall consist of all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to complete the removal and replacement of a storm structure and frame, type B modified gutter, pavement, and wood guardrail. The existing round storm structure and frame will be removed as to not disturb the existing CMP drainage pipe. It shall be removed and disposed of off IDNR property per EPA requirements. The existing structure is roughly 2.5' in depth and sits above a lower concrete pipe crossing. Contractor must confirm the depth of the inlet special structure with Region Engineer before ordering structure. The new inlet special will be installed at the same location connecting to the CMP pipe. The area around the new inlet special within the pavement and gutter area will be backfilled with controlled low-strength material up to the bottom of the gutter and pavement. The existing concrete gutter type B (modified) will be saw cut full depth at the ends before removal. It shall be removed and disposed of off IDNR property per EPA requirements. Two number 4 reinforcement bars will be installed the whole length of the new gutter. The gutter depth will be 12" thick and placed on 3" of compacted CA-06. The cross section of the gutter will match existing concrete gutter width and profile, but five feet away from the edge of the frame and gate the back of the curb will be brought up to meet the curb box of the inlet frame and grate. The edge of the gutter at the pavement will match the projected elevation of the road section. The backside of the gutter shall be backfilled with dirt salvaged from the site. The pavement will be saw cut full depth at the limits shown in the drawings. It shall be removed and disposed of off IDNR property per EPA requirements. The pavement will be excavated to a depth to allow for 10" of Portland Cement Concrete base course (Class PV) and 2" of Hot-Mix Asphalt surface course, IL-9.5FG, Mix "C", N 50. 60' of the existing wood guardrail and parts will be removed and stored to be reinstalled. Seven existing posts will be removed and disposed of off IDNR property per EPA requirements. Seven new 6"x 8" x 6' ground contact rated treated lumber posts will be installed per the attached drawing. Any earth work to backfill and install the post will be included in the post work. The posts will be backfilled with controlled low strength flowable fill or Class SI concrete. The concrete and Hot-mix asphalt items must be tested and reach the proper strength and compaction requirements per the IDOT specifications. This will include any traffic control and protection needed.




Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work



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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet
Division 01 - General Requirements

Division 01 - General Requirements

Temporary Facilities and Controls, Vehicular Access and Parking, Traffic Control, Execution and Closeout Requirements, Closeout Submittals, Warranties
Division 31 - Earthwork

Division 31 - Earthwork

Earthwork, Common Work Results for Earthwork, Aggregates for Earthwork
Division 32 - Exterior Improvements

Division 32 - Exterior Improvements

Bases, Ballasts, and Paving

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November 21, 2023

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13921 W Rte 150, Brimfield, IL

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Campground Pavement and Gutter Repair

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