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Published August 22, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an industrial development in Annapolis, Maryland. Completed plans call for the renovation of a industrial development.

The Lower Beaver dam Creek Watershed (Figure 1) is in the 100-year floodplain in Prince George's County, Maryland. The Trust (and partners) aim to support a pilot green roof in or adjacent to the Lower Beaver dam Creek floodplain for a warehouse, production, or distribution building. The Trust seeks a green roof project to demonstrate the value of green roofs for the numerous warehouse and industrial buildings in the County. It is preferred, but not required, that the project is located in or adjacent to either the Lower Beaver dam Creek (see map below) or Cabin Branch watershed corridors, areas inside the Beltway generally along Route 50 and south toward Capitol Heights. Green wall(s) and green roof-solar panel hybrid projects are considered eligible for funding. This pilot will demonstrate this practice and add climate resiliency in the impacted watershed. Projects that are innovative and that combine funding sources are encouraged. Amount Available: $70,000 Timeline: Work must be completed by July 1, 2025. A green roof is a vegetated roof system that stores rainwater in a lightweight, engineered soil medium. The stored water is taken up by the plants on the rooftop and released back into the atmosphere through evaporation. As a result, compared to a conventional rooftop of the same area, much less water runs off of a green roof. Green roofs, which have been used in Europe for more than 30 years and implemented in Washington, D.C. regularly, can be incorporated into new construction and can be used on many existing buildings. The Trust seeks qualified contractors to aid in this pilot program to install a green roof on an industrial building in the Lower Beaverdam Creek Watershed (priority area). The Trust reserves the right to add or remove items from the base bid proposal during the contract and modify or adjust scope of work and payment as needed.




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