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Published November 8, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Hampton, New Hampshire. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Town of Hampton, NH (hereinafter "Town"), acting through its Town Manager for the Hampton Department of Public Works, in accordance with the provisions of New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated Chapter 37, Section 6 and the provisions of the Town's Purchasing Policy and Purchasing Procedures Chapter 718 of the Hampton Code of Ordinances is soliciting requests for qualifications from experienced, full service, professional Consultant(s) to update the Town's Pavement Management Program. Services are intended to be comprehensive and include all aspects of work needed to generate an updated Pavement Rating and inventory for the Town by street segment (approximately 80 centerline miles of roadway under local jurisdiction). The Town will review all proposals submitted and recommend to the Town Manager the Consultant most qualified to provide the requested services. The Town may elect to conduct interviews with some or all respondents as part of this process. The Town is seeking a consultant for the completion of the pavement management condition assessments and proposed pavement management program for the Town. The Consultant shall: Assign sufficient staff to perform the asset identification, asset mapping, data collection and surface condition survey for the entire roadway network. Assign experienced pavement engineers to review and analyze the pavement data; create a pavement management condition report by applying a software solution to perform a pavement condition rating calculation, establish an updated pavement rating for each road segment. Provide updated street centerlines with pavement condition values to the Town in shapefile or Geodatabase format. Suggest appropriate maintenance and rehabilitation strategies for pavement repair and to establish a robust capital improvement program for the Town. Model treatment strategies, create summary reports, maps, and graphs to visualize results, and planning level estimates for all recommended roadway improvements. Develop a fiscally constrained five-year plan for roadway preservation and rehabilitation. Follow proven production and QA/QC processes to conduct the service tasks. Upload data into the Town's PeopleGIS SimpliCITY Streets web application that will allow the Town to access and maintain the pavement management database, review inspectional events over time and add road treatments to update pavement condition rating in real-time. Data must be structured to allow seamless integration with this platform. Provide any/all files necessary in the required formats for seamless integration of all assets collected into the Town's PeopleGIS SimpliCITY Streets asset management software. These initial pavement management tasks shall be completed by the selected Consultant no later than May 30, 2024, and then updated annually on an as-needed basis. All as-needed services will be requested by the Town, quoted by the Consultant, and any approval for such work shall be based on available funding. All inquiries regarding the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) document, procedure, and any technical aspect may be directed to Joseph Lynch, Deputy Director Department of Public Works (herein after "DPW"). All inquiries shall be in writing and submitted by mail or email to jlynch@hamptonnh.gov. Inquiries submitted less than 48 hours prior to the RFQ opening will not be responded to. All RFQ's shall be submitted in conformance with this RFQ document, all its sections, and any attachments, and any addenda distributed; all requested information must be supplied. Failure to conform with any portion of the RFQ will be reflected in the evaluation of the RFQ submittal and may result in the disqualification of the prospective respondent. The duration of the contract will be from execution of contract through December 31, 2028, subject to the provisions contained in Section V. The Town, acting through the Town Manager, is not responsible for any costs incurred by respondents regarding the preparation of submissions in response to this Request for Qualifications or in responding to any request for interviews, and/or requests for additional information which shall be the sole responsibility of the submitting respondents. A RFQ submission is not to be construed as creating any contractual relationship between the respondents and the Town. The submitted RFQ does not commit the Town to award a contract for the service solicited. The Town, acting through the Town Manager, reserves the right to reject any or all RFQ's received, to waive technical or legal deficiencies, to waive any informality of the RFQ's received, to omit any item or items, to proceed or not to proceed with any subsequent interview process, and/or to accept any RFQ and to negotiate without further process any contract as may be in the best interest of the Town. The decisions of the Town Manager shall be final. The Town, acting through the Town Manager, further reserves the right to undertake such investigation as it deems necessary to evaluate the qualifications of the respondent and to evaluate its submittal. The Town is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified respondents will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, pregnancy, age, national origin, disability status, genetic information, protected veteran status, or any other status or characteristic protected by law. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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May 30, 2024


Multiple Locations, Hampton, NH

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