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Site work for a water / sewer project in Vicksburg, Mississippi. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Warren County Board of Supervisors will receive sealedbids from qualified bidders forthe project identified as Warren County NRCS EWP Erosion Control Project - RiverRegion Circle. The projectincludes drainage improvements and bank stabilizationalong River Region Circle in Warren County, as indicatedin the drawings, specifications,and other contract documents.The above general outline offeatures of work does not inany way limit the responsibilityof the Contractor to perform allwork and furnish all parts, labor,equipment, and materials required by the specifications andthe drawings referred to therein.The contract time for the workincluded in this contract is Sixty(60) Calendar Days. The Contract will be subject to liquidated damages of three hundreddollars ($300) per calendar dayfor each day in default after thestipulated completion date. The contract time will begin on thedate specified in the written Notice to Proceed. Bidders are cautionedthat the Purchasing Departmentdoes not receive the daily U.S.Mail on or before 10:00 a.m.Bids will be time-stamped uponreceipt according to PurchasingDepartment's time clock. Bidsreceived after the stated deadline will not be considered. Electronicbids are due at the same timeand date as sealed bids. Forany questions relating to theelectronic bidding process,please call Central Bidding at225-810-4814. Bidders must be qualifiedunder Mississippi State lawand possess a Certificate ofResponsibility issued by theMississippi State Board of PublicContractors in a classificationsuch as (a) Highway, Streetand Bridge Construction, (b)Municipal and Public WorksConstruction, (c) Excavation,Grading & Drainage or anotherclosely related classification.This Project is expected toexceed $50,000, therefore theCertificate of ResponsibilityNumber shall be written onthe outside of the sealed bidenvelope. For electronic bids,the COR information must besubmitted as the first page ofthe PDF attachment with theelectronic bid submittal. For bidsless than $50,000, a Certificateof Responsibility number is notrequired. Bidder shall note onthe outside of the envelopecontaining the bid that the "bidis less than $50,000, CR No.not required". Mississippi has a reciprocalpreference law. MississippiCode 31-3-21 requires that acopy of any non-resident bidder's current state law pertaining to its treatment of non-resident contractors be submittedat the time the bid is submitted,or that bid shall not be considered further. Bidders shall alsosubmit a current financial statement if requested by WarrenCounty. Attorneys-in-fact whosign Bid Bonds or PaymentBonds and Performance Bondsmust file with each bond a certified and effective dated copy oftheir power of attorney. Neel-Schaffer, Inc. is theEngineer for this project. Contractors may request biddocuments by visiting website. andfollowing the site instructionsfor registration and download. Questions may beaddressed to Brian Robbins,Project Manager via The Warren County Board ofSupervisors reserves the rightto determine responsible bidders, responsive bids, the lowest and best bid, reject any andall bids, award to the bidderbelieved most advantageousto Warren County, and to waiveany informalities in the bids andbidding process.


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work

Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.

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River Region Cir, Vicksburg, MS

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