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Saving Project...

Published December 14, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Puerta D Luna, New Mexico. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Amendment 001: The purpose of this amendment is to update clause 3.6.1-17, extend the SIR due date, and incorporate Questions and Answers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The United States Border Patrol (USBP) requires technical design, engineering, geophysical and geotechnical services to provide the design, planning, management, and execution of all critical tasks required to provide up to eleven (11) boreholes of up to forty-two (42") in diameter up to one hundred (100') feet deep. Additionally, the vendor will be required to provide casing and monuments to maintain ten (10) boreholes as permanent observation wells, as well as cone penetration testing (or an excepted alternative). Optional tasks that may be required include: additional boreholes and technology deployment services. The completion of the work will also require the rental and operation of several different types of light and heavy equipment that may not be specifically called out in the SOW but should be planned for during the technical design and pre-project planning phase of this effort. Executing the work safely and efficiently will begin with close coordination with CBP/local USBP representatives, property managers, utility locators, DigAlert, concrete/asphalt contractors, drillers, heavy equipment providers and operators, and rental equipment providers. The vendor will be responsible for all aspects of executing the SOW outlined below, including (but not limited to): scheduling deliveries and pickups of equipment, spoils management, vertical and horizontal safety barriers, traffic control, site security, site restoration, final inspection of the completed sites and providing as-built and geotechnical reports. The work will be completed at specific locations as directed by USBP personnel within the Roosevelt easement within a 5.00 mile radius of the Anapra, NM. Exact locations will be provided upon award.


Roads / Highways


Public - Federal

Paving, Site Work

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To Be Determined, Puerta D Luna, NM

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