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Published January 4, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Falmouth, Maine. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Town of Falmouth Public Works Department seeks qualified contractors to satisfactorily complete the rehabilitation of approximately 1,266 linear feet (LF) of storm drain varying in size from 12" to 30" diameter. The rehabilitation must be done by Ultra-Violet (UV) cured-in-placed lining as specified in both the contract and technical specifications. The work shall also consist of cleaning approximately 70 LF of storm drain, separate from the pipes to be lined. Install approximately 1,266 linear feet of UV Cured-In-Place pipe liner according to the attached technical specifications. o Inspection: The interior of the pipeline to be restored shall be inspected to locate all damage and/or obstructions which would prohibit correct installation of the new liner. A post-installation video (CCTV) inspection shall be provided to the Town. Cost associated with inspections are considered incidental to the lining of the pipe. o All available previous inspections are included as an attachment to this RFP. Pipe segment 1433 was not inspected because it needs cleaning before an inspection can be completed. A picture of this segment is provided in this RFP. The cost of precleaning to prepare for the CIP liner shall be considered incidental to the Install Cured-In-Place Liner bid item. o Obstruction Removal: The Contractor shall repair or remove from the line all obstructions (e.g. sediments, bricks, roots, joint obstructions, etc.), which can prohibit insertion of the pipe. All roots or other obstructions shall be cut flush with the wall of the pipe to be restored, and the debris will be removed from the line. If there is an obstruction that cannot be removed by trenchless methods without excavation, the Contractor shall bring it to the attention of the Town Engineer. o Water Access: Permission to use a fire hydrant for water access must be obtained by completing the attached application and submitting it to the Portland Water District for approval. The Portland Water District guidelines for hydrant use are also attached. o Clean two separate 34 LF segments of RCP as shown on the plan. These pipes have heavy sediment accumulation up to approximately one half of the pipe diameter. It is not anticipated to install a CIP liner in these segments, but the condition will be reevaluated after the pipes have been cleaned. o Perform all other incidental as described in the specifications. The project shall be completed no later than June 30th, 2024. Question Deadline 11/27/2023 at 11:00 AM ET All pre-bid correspondence shall be submitted in electronically to Justin Early, Town Engineer, at jearly@falmouthme.org A bid bond is not required for this project. The Town of Falmouth reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work




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Lunt Rd, Falmouth, ME

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