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Published December 4, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and new construction of a bridge / tunnel in Gresham, Nebraska. Completed plans call for the construction of a bridge / tunnel; for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and for paving for a bridge / tunnel.

https://yorknewstimes.com/news/local/county-approves-603-000-bid-to-construct-three-bridges/article_722cfba0-9099-11ee-91b8-6b64fe9f703c.html They received three bids: Norfolk Contracting Inc. with a total cost of $603,423. The individual bridge bids were: Gresham SW, $215,865; Thayer SE, $184,660; and Gresham S, $202,898. The tentative start date was March 18. Midwest Infrastructure with a total cost of $618,599.39. The individual bridge bids were: Gresham SW, $222,064.55; Thayer SE, $199,893.11; Gresham S, $196,641.73. The tentative start date was April 1. JJK Construction with a total cost of $888,382.51. The individual bridge bids were: Gresham SW, $318,035.67; Thayer SE, $298,299.71; and Gresham S, $272,047.13. The tentative start date was Jan. 8. _______________________________________ Sealed proposals for the construction of three (3) bridge projects in Northeast York County will be received by York County. The Gresham Southwest Bridge Project is 40'-0" long by 28'-65" wide, the Gresham South Bridge project is 32'-0 long by 28'-4" wide and the Thayer Southeast Bridge Project is 30'-0 long by 28' 6 wide. Proposals which include materials, labor, equipment, tools, along with appurtenances and accessories for York County, Nebraska, "Gresham Southwest Bridge, Gresham South Bridge, and Thayer Southeast Replacement Projects," and the removal of the existing bridges Proposals will be taken for the construction work listed above by unit process, as an aggregate bid for all three projects. The Gresham Southwest bridge crosses an Unnamed Tributary of Lincoln Creek and is located 1.8 miles South and 2.1 miles West of Gresham, NE. To drive to the bridge site, start at the intersection of Hwy 69 and Road 222, travel 1.9 miles West to the jobsite. The Gresham South bridge crossed an Unnamed Tributary of Lincoln Creek and is located 1.8 miles South and 1.5 miles West of Gresham, NE. To drive to the bridge site, start at the intersection of Hwy 69 and Road 22, travel 1.3 miles West to the jobsite. The Thayer Southeast bridge crosses and Unnamed Tributary of Lincoln Creek and is located 1.8 miles South and 4.4 miles East of Thayer, NE. To drive to the bridge site, start at the intersection of Hwy 69 and Road 18, travel 0.4 miles West to the jobsite. All proposals for said work must be made on blanks furnished by the County Highway Superintendent and must be accompanied by bid security of not less than 5% of the amount bid. Bid security to be made payable to the County Clerk of York County, Nebraska, and will be held by York County as liquidated damages in case the bid is accepted and the bidder neglects or refuses to enter into contract and furnish bond in accordance herewith. The York County Commissioners reserve the right to waive informalities and irregularities and to make awards on bids that furnish the material and construction that will, in their opinion, serve the best interests of York County, Nebraska. The York County Commissioners also reserve the right to reject any or all bids.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - City

New Construction, Paving, Site Work

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