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Site work for a water / sewer project in Carthage, North Carolina. Conceptual plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The intent of the County is to obtain qualifications by a professional firm for engineering services for the Public Works Department. The County of Moore reserves the right to reject any and/or all responses. All inquiries for information concerning the Request for Qualifications shall be directed to: Terra Vuncannon, Purchasing Manager 1 Courthouse Square Carthage, NC 28327 (910) 947-4017 In compliance with the Request for Qualifications and to all the terms and conditions imposed herein, the undersigned offers and agrees to furnish the services and install the goods described in accordance with the attached signed response. The County of Moore, NC is soliciting Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) from qualified firms to provide engineering services for the Proposed Seven Lakes Sewer project that will extend sewer service into Seven Lakes and West End communities of Moore County. The County is seeking a Professional Engineering firm with experience in the development and design of wastewater collections, pumping and transmission systems, to include the design, bidding, construction administration and inspection services for this project. It is recognized that public sanitary sewer service is needed in the Seven Lakes/West End communities, particularly in the commercial areas along and near NC 211. The NCDOT is proposing to widen NC 211 from NC 73 in West End west toward the County line. To initiate the proposed Seven Lakes Sewer project, the Moore County Board of Commissioners committed to fund a sewer force main within the expanded NCDOT highway right-of-way with County ARPA funds. The NCDOT is including the force main design, permitting, bidding and construction by agreement with and reimbursement from Moore County. The NCDOT constructed force main will extend from NC 73 to Holly Grove School Road. The bids for the NCDOT project are expected to be received in August 2024. The collection system in Seven Lakes has been conceptualized with internal cost estimates. The force main from the project area has been conceptualized to extend to discharge into existing collection systems at Pinehurst and/or Robbins with internal cost estimates. The collection system at Seven Lakes may be funded partially by ARPA funding, which requires design completion by December 31, 2024, and construction by December 31, 2026. Funding assistance for the force main extension may be provided by property owners/developers which will benefit from the proposed infrastructure. Additional funding sources may be needed for the collection system and force main. Services Requested The scope of services includes, but is not limited to the following for the collection system and force main extension: 1. Prepare preliminary engineering report, environmental report suitable for submittal as a funding application to USDA. 2. Prepare all required utility easement maps and encroachment agreements. 3. Prepare preliminary design plans and list of specifications. 4. Prepare complete construction plans and specifications in accordance with applicable regulations and standards of water infrastructure consistent with Moore County Standards and Specifications. 5. Prepare detailed itemized cost estimates based on the preliminary and final designs. 6. Prepare and submit applications for all required federal, state and local permits and approvals. 7. Prepare complete bid package including all required documents for the County and ARPA and any other funding agency requirements. 8. Manage the competitive bidding process, including the preparation of bid packages for prospective bidders, responding to inquiries concerning technical aspects of the project, preparation of addenda as required, attending pre-bid conference and bid opening, evaluating the bids for accuracy and completeness, and making recommendation to the County regarding the award of a contract to the lowest responsible, responsive bidder. 9. Prepare formal construction contract documents for execution. 10. Provide construction administration to include: a) Conducting critical time construction inspections of sufficient frequency to ensure compliance with the general and technical specifications. Coordinate inspection with Moore County Public Works staff. b) Review and approve material submittals. c) Provide design, site and easement surveying services. d) Prepare change orders and construction field directives as required. e) Review and certify contractor payment requests. f) Conduct final inspection and provide project completion documents to all appropriate agencies. 11. Administer the project in accordance with the requirements required by ARP funded projects. 12. Prepare reproducible and digital as-built record drawings and deliver to the Owner. Firms should submit one (1) original and five (5) copies of their response. The Firm's Statement of Qualifications shall be limited to no more than 12 pages, including Cover Page. The original should also include the following documents: Non-Collusion Affidavit, E-Verify Affidavit, and W-9 Form. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Water / Sewer


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December 31, 2024


Multiple Locations, Carthage, NC

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