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The Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission (CCRPC) is soliciting proposals from qualified and innovative professionals or firms to assess the feasibility of transportation demand management (TDM) options and recommend an implementation approach, including prioritized actions, proposed timeline, anticipated costs, and responsible entities. The outcomes of this project will advance the recommendations of the 2023 Metropolitan Transportation Plan and the implementation plan of the Chittenden County I-89 2050 Study by evaluating the actions and recommendations and developing steps to move the actions towards implementation. Investing in TDM options will also help the State achieve the carbon reduction requirements set forth in the Global Warming Solutions Act (Act 153 as Enacted). Chittenden County is the most populous and fastest growing county in Vermont. Nearly 169,000 residents live throughout 19 municipalities, with populations that range from as small as 43 to almost 45,000. It is also the State's economic hub featuring the largest higher education institution, health care facility, and private sector employer. More than one-third of the County's employees live outside the County. Due to the state's rural nature, Vermonters travel nearly 12,000 annual vehicle miles traveled (VMT) per capita which is higher than the national average of just under 10,000 VMT. The transportation sector accounts for about 40% of the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) statewide while in Chittenden County it's estimated at 48%. In 2020 the Vermont legislature passed the Global Warming Solutions Act which requires Vermont to reduce GHGs to 26% below 2005 levels by 2025, 40% below 1990 levels by 2030, and 80% below 1990 levels by 2050. Investments in transit, walking, biking, fleet electrification, and implementing other policies are necessary to reduce VMT and single occupancy vehicle (SOV) trips, a major contributor of GHGs, in our rural state. This Regional Transportation Options Plan (the Plan) could include scenario evaluations, but it needs to go beyond that to determine feasibility of TDM measures already included in the MTP and the I-89 2050 Study and to recommend specific implementation priorities, steps, timeline, estimated costs, and lead agencies. The CCRPC is one of eleven regional planning commissions (RPCs) serving Vermont municipalities and operating under the Vermont Municipal and Regional Planning and Development Act (Title 24, Chapter 117, V.S.A.). RPCs act as a link between municipal and state government. The CCRPC also serves as the only federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization in the State (23 U.S.C. 134, and its adopted bylaws). Project Purpose The CCRPC's Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) identified TDM as a major area of investment to achieve a reduction in SOVs, VMTs and GHGs. Working with local, regional, and state TDM partners to expand TDM programs and services would complement the MTP's recommended investments in walking and biking infrastructure and transit services. These recommendations are supported by the I-89 2050 Study's TDM-focused implementation plan. While it's clear that a range of TDM options are needed for our region and the State to achieve transportation and climate goals, the feasibility of implementing recommendations, and the specific action steps to be taken, need to be defined. The Plan created through this project will be the guidebook for TDM implementation in our region; it will guide CCRPC's role in educating and implementing TDM while identifying the crucial roles that state and local government, TDM partners, and employers play in supporting the larger vision. The project will engage the public and relevant agencies/organizations, examine best practices for similar land use and geographic contexts, and use analysis to understand demand and the current policy context. The resulting recommendations will identify policy solutions, including guidance about how to apply the TDM policies to the regional context, programs and marketing strategies, supportive transit/micromobility/first-last mile services, telework, and institutional and evaluation strategies. Project Objectives The CCRPC is seeking development of a Plan that will: o Result in actionable TDM strategies that are tailored to the needs and goals of the region and promote cohesiveness between existing and planned transportation improvements and regional and local growth patterns. o Clarify transportation partner/provider/state roles so that existing, planned, and recommended TDM measures are complementary to and in cooperation with each other. This includes describing the potential impacts of Plan recommendations on partner/provider/state TDM efforts. o Increase transportation equity with a specific focus on the region's vulnerable and marginalized population. o Educate residents, employers, visitors and others on the value and importance of TDM to improving transportation conditions and meeting mobility needs. The consultant team should include staff with expertise and demonstrated success in developing transportation options/transportation demand management plans for similar-sized regions with a diverse economy, cultural diversity, and geographical challenges similar to Chittenden County. Additionally, the consultant should have demonstrated success with developing and implementing inclusive community engagement campaigns. Budget: The maximum limited amount for this effort is $250,000. SCOPE OF WORK This Scope of Work section identifies major aspects and tasks associated with this project. Consultants are encouraged to provide suggested changes to the scope that would result in a meaningful Plan. Note that CCRPC staff will manage the day-to-day activities for this project. An advisory committee will be created to oversee and approve the general direction and elements of this project. Task 1: Agency, Partner, and Public Outreach and Participation The consultant will develop a collaborative agency, partner, and public outreach process and timeline to gather input and encourage meaningful participation from the public, regional planning partners, stakeholders, and other relevant transportation organizations in the identification of regional TDM needs and recommendations. Outreach will include special focus on the region's vulnerable and marginalized populations and will learn from and build upon inclusive engagement work in current and previous CCRPC projects. The CCRPC will assemble a project advisory committee that will guide the overall process and provide feedback on key components and task deliverables. The consultant will organize, schedule, and prepare materials for and take notes at all meetings with the advisory committee. The kickoff meeting with the committee will introduce the project to the members and will lead a discussion of the scope of work, timeline, and meeting schedule to identify any changes or additions based upon questions or comments from the advisory committee. The consultant and the CCRPC will prepare a public outreach and participation plan designed to seek public and stakeholder input at key milestones during the planning process as well as public comment for the draft Plan. The outreach process will include innovative, collaborative, and inclusive participation and education methods such as, but not limited to questionnaires/surveys, interviews, focus groups, stakeholder and public meetings, special events, presentations, etc. and will utilize a mix of in person, virtual, print, online and other mediums to convey project information and solicit input. The consultant will attend frequent (monthly/bi-monthly) meetings with CCRPC staff to provide project updates and coordinate on next steps. Task 2: Regional TDM Needs Assessment and Program Evaluation The consultant will conduct an inventory and analysis of existing TDM programs and conditions within the region. This will be used to determine regional needs for the development of strategies, programs, and projects to be included in the Plan. The consultant will complete a TDM inventory with the following information: o Federal, State, and Regional Context o Regional Commuting Trends, Data and Growth o TDM Administrators, Programs, and Initiatives o Current TDM Funding Structure(s) o Current TDM Performance Measures o Current TDM Industry Best Practices Supporting data collection and evaluation activities will include: o Analyzing the following regional/local plans and reports: o 2023 MTP o I-89 2050 Study o Regional Active Transportation Plan o Relevant plans/projects from all TDM partners and major employers in the region, including but not limited to: Go Vermont Strategic Plan/ TDM opportunity analysis CATMA Strategic Plan o City of Burlington TDM Plan (in progress) o Conducting interviews with stakeholders to document existing TDM programs in the region, including how they are currently funded. Stakeholders will include traditional TDM providers along with those representing other transportation planning disciplines such as roadway management and operations, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian, ITS, etc. The consultant will also identify existing TDM measures currently being used in the region and any objectives and policies that support TDM. The interview effort should include stakeholders such as CATMA, UVM, UVM Medical Center, Champlain College, Green Mountain Transit, Local Motion, CarShare VT, Go! Vermont/State Agency of Transportation, major employers, and others to introduce the TDM project and the inventory tool. o Completing a survey/focus groups with employers to benchmark TDM in action, preparedness to support TDM, and employee participation and perceptions. This effort should consider recent telework-related surveys conducted by CATMA and others, in addition to coordinating with any upcoming/planned surveys by CATMA or others as relevant. o Conducting a review of TDM best practices from other areas in North America that can be effectively adopted by the CCRPC region. This review would focus on regions comparable to Chittenden County, including those without county government, and analyze practices related to policy and innovative outreach/education efforts. o Working with the advisory committee, and using information gathered from stakeholders, partners, and the public, create a vision and goals for the Regional TDM Plan. Task 3: Evaluation of the 2023 MTP TDM Recommendations As part of the I-89 2050 Study, the CCRPC developed a Strategic Model for Chittenden Conty and its commuter shed to assist in a scenario planning effort to evaluate impacts of various policies, investments and strategies that would inform a suite of TDM investments necessary to help meet the regional transportation and climate goals of reducing single occupancy vehicle travel and greenhouse gas emissions. The VisionEval Regional Strategic Planning Model (VE-RSPM) is a platform that enables evaluation of a host of different conditions as they relate to a particular outcome. The model can be used to identify those conditions or constraints that may collectively lead to the objective. In this case, the VE-RSPM was integrated to help identify the transportation (including TDM policies and programs), land use strategies, and other policies that achieve desired regional reductions in vehicle miles traveled. For more information on the development of the model and the various scenarios please see Appendix E of the I-89 2050 Study Task 4: Development of TDM Regional Strategies and Implementation Plan Based on information from Task 2 and the outcomes of Task 3, the consultant will identify, make recommendations for, and build consensus around what programs, projects, policies, services, and performance measures will be put in place and implemented over the duration of the Plan to achieve the vision, goals, and objectives of the CCRPC's 2023 MTP. The Implementation Plan will identify viable short, medium, and long-term strategies to accomplish the TDM goals and should include at a minimum the following components: o Description and Prioritization of TDM Strategies: Describe the recommended programs, projects, and policies, and prioritize the strategies considering the ease of implementation, anticipated effectiveness, potential equity effects, timeline for implementation, anticipated cost, existing TDM conditions and the expected changes in the region. o Roles and Responsibilities: Identify organizations that will be the primary implementers of specific TDM strategies and identify other partners that will assist in planning, developing, implementing, and delivering TDM services, programs, and measures. o Identification of Strategic Partnerships: Identify the required partnerships between CCRPC, member municipalities, the State, public and non-profit sector organizations, and private sector employers to implement the Plan. o Expected Costs: Estimate the potential costs associated with the recommended programs or projects. o Funding Sources: Develop a list of potential funding sources to support implementation of each strategy. o Performance Measures: Recommend output and outcome performance measures aligned with key stages of behavior change (awareness, influence, participation, and impact). Task 5: Draft and Final Report The Draft Final Report will synthesize the outreach and engagement process (public, stakeholders, surveys, focus groups, etc.), data gathered and evaluated, recommended strategies/actions, and implementation action plan. The Draft Plan will be reviewed by the advisory committee and CCRPC staff and presented to the CCRPC Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) and the CCRPC Board for comment. Comments received on the draft will be addressed in the Final Report before submitting to the CCRPC Board for final review and acceptance. QUESTIONS AND CONTACT Please email Bryan Davis at if you have any questions about this request for proposals. CCRPC will maintain a list of questions and answers on the CCRPC RFP website Questions will be accepted until Monday, November 13, 2023 with responses posted by Wednesday, November 15, 2023 to ensure all parties have adequate time to review the answers.




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