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Site work and new construction of a fire / police facility in Marquette, Michigan. Completed plans call for the construction of a fire / police facility; and for site work for a fire / police facility.

The Michigan's Public Safety Communications System (MPSCS) Marquette Radio Shop and Marquette Tower and Site Maintenance Unit desires a phase 100 study be performed to determine the feasibility of constructing a secure storage building and radio shop to be constructed on the vacant property west of the Michigan State Police Negaunee Post located in Negaunee. In addition, the PSC shall include Phase 300 and 400 services to further develop the proposed layout, start discussions with permitting agencies, utilities, develop architectural details, perform soil borings, and develop preliminary design information/code reviews, and perk tests to ensure the proposed development will not run into issues should it proceed into phase 500 development. The estimated size of the storage building shall be 60x100 to accommodate Radio Regional Service Center Subscriber Equipment, snowmobiles, with additional space to perform daily vehicle install work, tower infrastructure equipment, site maintenance tractor with attachments, water storage tanks, microwave dishes/covers, portable tower generator, site maintenance supplies. Refer to the attached proposed layout and 2000 survey of the parcel. The Proposed Service Center will have a similar layout to the existing Gaylord Service Center. The proposed facility will be occupied and utilized year-round, so feasibility and requirements required for both buildings to be heated/ have and have water heated building are requested to detail the initial capital investment development costs along in the cost estimates. Estimated phase 500, 600, 700 services shall be included in the phase 400 estimates. Proper ventilation systems/locations for the development must also be explored based on the uses. Only the Office vehicle installation Building Site flow, winter maintenance, snow storage, drainage and site parking, and flow of delivery vehicles will need to be accounted for. MPSCS would like to be able to store most of their vehicles and equipment inside the proposed storage garage and the operations center garage bays when a storm is in the forecast. Conformance with the Negaunee township land development code is desired. LARA has overall jurisdiction for everything but the septic. New entrance on to Hookup to township water, and Health Department approved drain field, new utilities with AT&T, Semco, Marquette Board of Light & Power (MBLP) is needed. One and possibly two entrances onto Forest Drive depending on Site Flow and Marquette County Road Commission tentative approval. There will be a need for onsite trailer storage/parking that does not inhibit delivery. Provide a complete PSC Proposal (Technical and Cost) for all required Professional Architectural and Engineering Services in compliance with the State of Michigan, Department of Technology Management and Budget (DTMB) Project Statement Form (DTMB-0427), the DTMB Billable Rate Professional Services Contract, the DTMB RFP Billable Rate Form (DMTB-0430), and the DTMB State Facilities Administration (SFA), Design and Construction Division (DCD) policies and procedures for the development of Contract Documents and Construction Administration. Please do not submit online questions via VSS. ALL questions should be emailed to Jeff Barsch at address no later than 2:00 p.m., Eastern on Wednesday, December 6, 2023. The Owner desires the study to be completed as soon as possible. Please provide a proposed design schedule with the PSC Proposal. This project will comply with all codes, standards, regulations, and workers' safety rules that are administered by federal agencies (EPA, OSHA, and DOT), state agencies (DCH, EGLE, DNR, and MIOSHA), and any other local regulations and standards that may apply. This form is required to be a part of the professional service contract.


Fire / Police


Public - State/Provincial

New Construction, Site Work





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1924 Industrial Pkwy, Marquette, MI

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